John Kerry And Sucking Up To Feminism

Luek writes "Likely Presidential candidate John Kerry says if elected his administration will put American government and our legal system back on the side of women.

Well excuse me Mr. Kerry but as I see it the government has made women a social class of over privileged aristocrats at the expense of men. I don't believe this arrangement is what this country is about.

It is past time for the tide to go the other way and restore men's rights for a change!

I don't know wether to label this misandry by the Kerry campaign shameless pandering or just plain stupidity. Probably a mix of both."

Additional reading of his site shows that he supports affirmative action and Title IX, believes that women only earn 73 cent for every dollar earned by men due to massive hidden discrimination by millions of employers and not women's own choices to work fewer hours, safer jobs, etc., co-sponsored the Violence Against Women Act and the Women's Health Equity Act, and will only appoint pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court. I'm not sure that it matters whether his misandry is shameless pandering, stupidity, or anything else. As long as he's going to act like a feminist, he might as well be one.

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