"Menstrual Awareness Week" at OU

Michael Wright writes "The faux feminists at the University of Oklahoma have found a new cause: "period week" or "menstrual awareness week." The idea is to encourage women "not to be ashamed of their bodies" and to "expel taboos that are part of being a woman."

They are also "reclaiming" something "that's thought of as bad by our society." That's funny. I never thought periods were bad.
But faux feminists have to make everything a confrontation against the "patriarchy." They believe that evil patriarchs have been slandering women for centuries because they have periods. Now it's pay-back time.

They'll have the usual "health experts" addressing this topic. I'll bet you a dollar to a dime they won't tell women what they really need to know about periods, i.e., when they stop happening, beware of hormone replacement therapy. There's a growing body of literature among the truly hip (rather than the pseudo-hip we find in abundance at OU) about the problems of HRT. At OU, they won't be treading on the profit interests of the pharms as they wage their "struggle" against the "patriarchs."

Go here for the Oklahoma Daily article about "menstrual awareness week."

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