If the shoe doesn't fit, get foot changed for whistles!

Matt writes "Does the average woman want to get whistled at in the street, willing to go to such lengths as cosmetic foot surgery to get such attention? A doctor quoted in this article (search on "whistle") seems to think so.

Wasn't men whistling at women in the street a complaint feminists had about men in the 60's and 70s? Or is it now something some of them want?

Such complex times!

BTW, I submitted this under "Media" because no other topic seemed to fit it; one thing I will say was good about this article and decidedly un-NYTimes-like was that it did not have the "obligatory" interview with a "women's advocate" blaming the whole thing on "patriarchal oppression" and somesuch babblings. But the bad thing is that it suggests men (categorically) whistle at women on the street. I have seen sych whistling only a few times, sometimes by women at men. But it is not a regular thing, at least in my experience, to view such happenings."

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