New DV center to further criminalize men

Anonymous User writes "The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children adds that partner violence by men is the greatest single source of injury to women requiring emergency treatment. Now MA intends to build a center that will place victims of domestic violence under one roof with police, prosecutors, and advocates. This is very scary and brings MA one step closer to a complete gender based Marxist society - considering the criteria for evidential standards for DV have already been completely erased. I am a victim of the false DV allegations, and I could not have conceived in my worst nightmare that the judicial system in MA could become more biased than it already is. Yet a new Parthenon of misandry is getting built and the hypocrites building it are using sexual assault on children as the Trojan Horse for public support to gain funding for their underhand methods to further obliterate the rights of men/fathers. Once again, the rights of men and consideration for male victims have been completely left out of the agenda. Pleae help anyway you can. Here's the


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