Feminists on Kavanaugh-Ford: ‘We Don’t Need to Prove This Beyond a Reasonable Doubt’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Canaff also said Americans must “start by believing” all women who make allegations of sexual assault against men:

Another thing that we believe in violence against women is to, what we call, “start by believing”: SBB. That doesn’t mean that we continue to believe despite any fact that might emerge. … When we begin by believing survivors, then we allow them to open up their minds. We allow their anxiety to go down, their self-esteem to go up. More facts come forward, we actually reduce bias, and we’re able to get to the truth a lot faster.

Indira Henard, executive director of the DC Rape Crisis Center, said Americans must “believe” Ford’s accusations against Kavanaugh:

It is not our job to dissect Dr. Ford’s story or any survivor’s story of sexual violence. It is our job to believe them. It is our job to support them. It is our job to hold those responsible accountable. The burden of proof should not be on survivors of sexual violence. Dr. Ford should not be on trial. What we are seeing in the treatment of Dr. Ford is a travesty.
Kiersten Stewart, a director at Futures Without Violence, called on America’s men to “believe women”:

To the men controlling this process: This is your test, as well. Do you respect women, or don’t you? If you do, as you say, then you need to show it with your actions, now, when it matters.
To the men out there: Now is your moment to take a stand. You know sexual violence is wrong. Most of you would never do it and hate is as much as we do. Speak out. Believe women. Use your power. Use your voice. Speak up for a fair process.'

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