Megan's Law

Having recieved an email discussing "Megan's Law", I'd like to share it with the rest of the men's activism community. If anyone can help or knows of this law and can explain it fully please do so. It appears from this woman's comments that a number of young boys are being treated cruelly in true Nazi style brutality. Go to 'read more comments' to see her email. Stop the injustice being done to her son and others.Sirs,

I am seeking any kind of help or advise regarding the over use of the sex offender laws in California against teenage boys.

There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of teen boys 14 through 17 who are charged with a sex offense called PC 288(a), this is a lewd act with a minor 14 or under. This means, if a 14 to 17 year old boy and a 13 to 14 year old girl are engaged in any kind of consensual contact, ie. kissing, fondling, even holding hands, the boy is guilty of a felony if his actions causes a sexual desire in himself or the girl. The girl is not held responsible for her conduct because she is not "old enough" to give consent to the contact, even if she initiates the contact, lies about her age, or misleads the boy in any way.

Many parents find this avenue through the DA when a statutory rape charge cannot be pursued; both kids are virgins. If the boy has even a minor juvenile record, it is common for the Judge to send these boys to the California Youth Authority for up to 8 years. Once the boys survive the brutality of the CYA, if they survive, they must then register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives. There have been suicides at CYA due to the fear of being targeted by the cruel and corrupt staff.

I have found that it is more typical for a rural county to commit on this charge.

Please do not confuse this PC 288(a) with a more serious charge PC 288a, the two are VERY different. A great deal of the abuse towards these boys while in the CYA is due to the staff's ignorance of the law and the difference between the two offenses.

Please forward this e mail to anyone who could help or give some guidance.

Laura Belmont

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