Court clears student of rape after CCTV footage is presented

Article here. The CCTV footage would have come out in discovery before the trial. Why did this even make it to trial? Excerpt:

'Security footage from a local nightclub and a college dormitory has cleared a University ofCalifornia student of rape.

Arman Premjee, 20, was accused of sexually assaulting a 19-year-old fellow student in her dorm room after meeting at Banditos Taco & Tequila in Los Angeles on April 1.

However, the security footage showed her kissing Premjee, leading him out of the nightclub and making obscene sexual gestures.

Premjee, who had maintained his innocence since being accused, said the woman, who has not been named, wanted to leave the club where they met and have sex with him.
After seeing the video, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge dismissed the case on Tuesday saying: 'I believe there was consent. There is a very strong indication that the alleged victim in this case was the initiator.'

USC is reportedly conducting its own investigation and Premjee could still be expelled.'

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