Upcoming Movie About Domestic Violence Against Men

Phil Penningroth has been commissioned by the USA cable TV channel to write a movie on the topic of domestic violence against men by women. He is looking for people to contact him and tell him their stories, so he can base the movie on a composite of men's true stories. If you are a man who is willing to tell your story of domestic violence, please contact Dr. Charles E. Corry and he will give you more information. You can remain an anonymous contributer if you wish. And be sure to keep an eye out for this movie - I will look for more info and post it when it nears completion. Dr. Corry's phone number and snail mail address can be found below by clicking on "Read More..."Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., FGSA

455 Bear Creek Road

Colorado Springs, CO 80906-5820

Telephone: (719) 520-1089 or (800) 874-8670

Facsimile: (719) 328-1588

E-mail: ccorry@pcisys.net

Home page: http://boulder.earthnet.net/~ccorry

Domestic Violence Against Men: http://www.dvmen.org

NOTICE: This story was migrated from the old software that used to run Mensactivism.org. Unfortunately, user comments did not get included in the migration. However, you may view a copy of the original story, with comments, at the following link:


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