Men are increasingly invading feminism – excluding them isn't 'man hating'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In recent years, the cry of 'we need more men in feminism'. and 'we must include men' has been creeping in. To counter the accusations of man-hating that feminists like me face all the time, many of the more liberal, 'fun' feminists' bend over backwards to tell men that feminism will fail without their intervention. But the whole point of the women's liberation movement is that is challenges and seeks to overthrow male supremacy, and to liberate women from the shackles of patriarchy. it goes without saying that most men will take exception to this. We wish to remove the privilege they are granted at birth. Feminism is a threat to men, and so it should be.
Domestic violence, rape, child sexual abuse and exploitation, are all men's issues. Men, in the main, commit these crimes against women and girls. It is down to them to choose not to commit such crimes, and to call other men to task when they do so. I hear you cry, 'women do it too', and 'men suffer domestic violence'. Despite the irrefutable fact that the vast majority of these crimes are carried out by men, there are those that will fight tooth and nail to argue the opposite.

Feminism does indeed need men. We need them to support our efforts, and not take over. We need men to educate other men in how to be decent human beings, and not for them to don a Batman outfit and save us from danger. Feminism needs men to support us in our efforts, not to colonise it for their own benefit.'

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... take note. You are hated but support and apologize for those who despise you.

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a movement that is a threat to men?

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Then when will excluding women be anything but misogynistic? I always suspect that women just don't want to struggle refuting male arguments and therefore push to exclude them.

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LOL. I love how feminists think that men should help them when all they do is spread lies about us and treat us like crap. It's also amusing how they think it's our job to police the actions of other men.

When feminists speak to other women about:
-not screwing your ex in divorce court
-not making false accusations because you regret your actions
-not abusing your children (women are responsible for the majority of child abuse)
-pulling their weight financially and paying half of all bills

then I'll oblige. Until then, they can take their hypocrisy and shove it.

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