"Ineffective" sexual harassment training's cure: zero-tolerance, presumed guilt, and affirmative action

Article here. Yes indeed. OK, sexual harassment training has the opposite effect on MEN (always and only men), or so they say, so the fix is to come down HARD on any man accused of it and aggressively advance women to higher positions. Predictable. Excerpt:

'Sexual harassment courses aimed at preventing workplace discrimination can have the opposite effect, making men less capable of perceiving inappropriate behavior and more likely to blame victims, according to academic studies that cast doubt on traditional training programs.

One researcher who has questioned the effectiveness of harassment prevention classes is Lauren Edelman, a professor of law and sociology at the University of California Berkeley, the prestigious school that has been at the center of a series of high-profile faculty misconduct scandals in recent months.

“Sexual harassment training may, in fact, make it less likely that males will recognize situations that are harassing,” said Edelman, a faculty member in the renowned UC Berkeley law school, where Sujit Choudhry resigned as dean after he was found to have sexually harassed his executive assistant. “Sexual harassment training may provoke backlash in males.”
The questionable research makes clear that universities should not only study the effectiveness of training, but should also prioritize other mechanisms to promote prevention, professors said.

“The university should focus more on having a much clearer zero-tolerance policy with very clear sanctions that are very consistently carried out,” said Edelman.

Tinkler said the best way to combat workplace sexual harassment is to reduce gender inequality and promote women in leadership positions.

“It really requires changing workplaces that have gender inequality structured into the way that they are organized,” she said.'

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Presents stereotypes of men acting badly.

Makes it clear to men that they are the problem.

Makes it clear to men that they are expected to live by women's rules.

With, of course,a passing mention that women might be a problem, but we all know if a woman flirts with a man, he should consider himself lucky. It's not really a problem. The problem exists when men think they're entitled to flirt or make a pass or whatever at a woman.

Men learn the game is rigged against them.

And the training doesn't work. I wonder why?

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