Just walk into any wal mart and look around

Anonymous User writes "Just walk into any wal mart and look around, do you see any guys??? If so what is HE doing??? If you don't want to walk in, just call. . .any department and see if a man actually answers the phone. I have called wal mart (local) and their world headquarters many times. . .managers, human recource, specific departments. . .yet to talk to a man. I watch as anything deemed "Male" items is simply being removed from the shelves.
Discrimination . . . against WHO???
I stopped shopping there, I am driving 30 minutes more to shop at Mejer's. Why? As I told the (apparently "female only")reps for wal mart "I WON'T support any business that has such an obvious anti-male agenda. . . . . . .EVER". I (and my family) have shopped primarily at wal marts for the past 20 years. . .never again."

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