Progressive Insurance At It Again!

Luek writes "Seems like Progressive Insurance just can't stop being misandric in the image they project to the public.

This time these misandric idiots have put a nude picture of an 82 year old man in their annual report! Would a nude picture of an elderly female ever be used? I don't think so!

I recently got a junkmail solicitation from Progressive offering me insurance. When I read this article I fished it out of my trash barrel and sent the self-hating male president, Glenn Renwick a letter containing the junkmail solicitation and the following note along with a copy of the article about the nude man.

"""Monday, March 24, 2003

Progressive Insurance Corporation
6300 Wilson Mills Road
Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143

Attn: Glenn M. Renwick
President and Chief Executive Officer

Dear Mr. Renwick,

Enclosed in this correspondence you will find a solicitation letter from
your company offering me insurance.

Also you will find a news report about the use of a picture of a nude
elderly man used in your annual report.

Even though I am currently in the market to find the best insurance
rates I will have to pass up your offer due to the situation mentioned
above. I prefer my insurance carrier to have a more mature attitude
about the image they project to the public. I am afraid yours is lacking in this regard."""

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