Yet Another Reversible BC Option for Women...

mcc99 writes "Amazing. This article discusses new BCPs that cause the menstrual cycle to be elongated to three months instead of monthly. The article discusses the many benefits of doing so while quoting some misandrist as follows:

"'Cultures have long had many practices to manage the taboo and stigma of menstruation over the years. You can see them all as ways of managing women's behavior,' said Joan Chrisler, a professor of psychology at Connecticut College in New London, Conn., and president of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research. 'Many feminists would say that misogyny is at the base of it.'"

Meanwhile, men still have the same-old options for birth control: abstinence, homosexuality, masturbation, condoms, and sterilization. We apparently don't merit the serious option of reversible BCPs though these are entirely a workable option."

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