Man Friendly Feminists?

Dan Lynch writes "Speaking of fourth generation feminism (not sure if this qualifies)Christina Hoff Sommers is invading campuses in an effort to "Take Back the Campus" campaign. The campaign was originally started by the IWF. Whats good about this is a Chicago unversity club has started up and they are naming themselves "The Partnership for Common Sence Feminism". I know sounds like an oxymoron, but; the group is aiming to set the record straight about research. This undoubtedly will be a welcome sign for the men's movement. So if these women who are starting campus groups are going to be thorough in their investigations there will be another voice speaking out against the misleading information. Best of all it will be women dealing with women. They also ask men to participate aswell. This is FYI to let you know its spreading."

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