A Call for Men's Health Media Monitors

I received the following announcement from Men's Health America: "Are you tired of all the one-sided coverage that the media is giving
to gender health issues? Are you disturbed about articles that imply
that a person's life counts for less because he happens to be male? This coming year, Men's Health America has established improved media coverage of men's health as one of our top priorities for 2003. We plan to do something about this bias! Men's Health America would like to invite you to participate as one of our Media Watchdogs.
" See the Read More section below for details on what this involves..." Men's Health America would like to invite you to participate as one of our Media Watchdogs. Here's what the Media Watchdogs will do:

1. Identify one newspaper that you read regularly.

2. When you see a gender health article that is biased, write a concise
letter to the editor.

3. Then e-mail your letter to Men's Health America, along with the
e-mail address of the Letters Editor and the URL of the article (if it's
available) to the MHA website at
this link.

4. Men's Health America will post 2-4 such letters each month on the MHA
website, and invite all the MHA members to contact the editor about
their concerns.

If you are interested, contact Men's Health America at eba@intr.net
(eba-at-intr.net). Please respond ASAP. The men's health media
campaign is in progress now!

Together, we will make a difference. Beginning now.

NOTICE: This story was migrated from the old software that used to run Mensactivism.org. Unfortunately, user comments did not get included in the migration. However, you may view a copy of the original story, with comments, at the following link:


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