Just When Ya Thought It Couldn't Get Any Weirder

With birth control, abortion, artificial insemination, cloning, and ovular merging, women are well on their way to becoming biologically independent of men. This has led to a very real threat of men being reduced to a "manageable," low percentage of the population.

The promise of male birth control, stem cells, and artificial wombs has helped to reestablish a balance of power, in which men would no longer be dependent upon women for reproduction. A missing link in all of this, however, has been the need to obtain eggs from women in order to clone a man or possibly merge the genes of two men into an offspring.

This article (registration required) describes a prospective attempt to create a human-mouse hybrid using stem cells. It seems it might be possible for such a (mostly) mouse to create human egg cells. If that is the case, in principle a man's genes could be inserted into such an egg cell and the resulting embryo carried to term in an artificial womb. If you think things are strange now, just give us humans a few more years.Source: New York Times

Title: Stem Cell Mixing May Form a Human-Mouse Hybrid

Author: Nicholas Wade

Date: November 27, 2002

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