CA Paternity Justice Act (AB2240) Passes in Senate

warble writes "It is my pleasure to announce that the California Senate has just passed a narrowed version of AB2240. During the hearing there was overwhelming concern expressed that the bill doesn't go far enough. This is excellent because it demonstrates that next year we will have support for an expanded version of the bill. Nevertheless, the opposition is already setting their sights on further damaging the bill so that women can freely and knowingly defraud men in paternity matters. Currently, the bill only addresses those instances where a default paternity judgment was entered by the state. It was amazing to see the opposition try to argue that men should continue to experience discrimination in paternity matters. These feminists that oppose men's rights, literally argue that a woman should be able to determine the father of the child and exclude men from any consideration. In my opinion, the most bigoted arguments came from Kuehl and Bowen. In both cases, they were making men out like they are evil womanizers that get innocent victims pregnant. What they want is for women to be able to assign any man with paternity if the woman believes it is in the best interest of the child. Obviously, these anti-male bigots are very dangerous and seek to further criminalize men. We cannot afford to relax our efforts in California. I have the transcripts on order from the Senate. When they arrive I will transcribe them so that we can educate the public how they argue in favor of institutionalized discrimination against men. I listened to the testimony live today and believe the final vote was 28 in favor and 4 opposed. Yes! Now we need to bombard Governor Davis with letters in support of AB2240." The the Read More section for contact info.

What follows is contact information:

Governor Gray Davis

State Capitol Building

Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: 916.445.2841

Fax: 916.445.4633

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