Circumcision Video Demonstrates Barbaric Nature of Procedure

Robex writes "I was sent a link to a bona fide medical infant
circumcision. It's here. Ignore the rest
of the site - it requires a particular taste for the

However, you will see that on the listsing dated (2002-08-22), there is a file called circumcision.asf.

I don't want to shock or offend over this topic, but after seeing this video, I'm shocked beyond belief. In fact, I've found it very difficult to concentrate today after seeing it. I would go as
far as to say that I'm actually nauseated each time I
think about it.

I do feel pretty strongly about this mutilation without consent - and I do realise more than ever that it is all about consent after seeing this." Please do NOT watch the video if you are sensitive to this issue. I would recommend it instead to people who have never really felt circumcision was a big deal and don't quite understand the importance of the issue. This video will drive home that point.

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