Governor of Virginia Has Never Heard of Paternity Fraud

Mark writes "Governor Mark Warner was on AM 1140 today in Richmond, Virginia taking calls from the listening audience. I called to see if he has or knows of any plans in the Virginia legislature to pass Paternity Fraud laws similar to those in other states. After explaining it to the screener I was put on hold for a few minutes. Eventually the screener came back and said that he will save me the time because the governor NEVER HEARD OF PATERNITY FRAUD, but claims he (Governor Warner) did say that "Fraud is Fraud."
Perhaps he never did hear of it. If that is the case, I would love to inform him of it. Does anyone have or know of any god draft letters for politicians? I like to think that he wasn't dodging because he knew that it would be hard to defend why such laws shouldn't be passed."

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