Yukon Minister of Women's Issues May Resign After Blasting Gender Feminism

Dan Lynch submitted this story from White Horse Star. Apparently, the Yukon Minister of Women (Sue Edelman) sent out an e-mail in March in which she used the term "feminazis" to describe gender feminists/radical feminists and lamented the way radical feminism took over what was originally an equality movement. Radicals are demanding her resignation, and she has offered it to the prime minister. I certainly do not agree that men are responsible for all the woes of the world. I don’t think my son should be held responsible for all the batterers in the world, and the men who use crude language. Edelman has both a son and a daughter and seems particularly offended by the anti-male slant of gender feminism. She might be an important person to keep in the position of minister of women's issues as long as such a position exists. If anyone has contact information for Edelman, please post it.

Source: White Horse Star [newspaper]

Title: Premier weighs minister’s offer to quit

Author: Jason Small

Date: April 12, 2002

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