Women's Managerial Pay Gap Widens?

An Anonymous User sent in this article and writes "The wage gap between female managers and their male counterparts was even greater in 2000 than it had been five years earlier, according to a congressional study of 10 industries. Of course the headline was presented in an alarming regard, despite the the fact that women increased 29% in managerial positions, and outpaced men's earnings in three industries. The article does not make any distinction to hours worked (or God forbid productivity factors) but does relate family as a contributing factor. I'd like to see the data from this research, and find out who conducted the analysis of data." Neil Steyskal also sent in this Washington Post article on the same topic. Source: The Boston Globe [newspaper]

Title: Women earnings compared to men dropped from 1995-2000

Author: Nedra Pickler

Date: January 24, 2002

Source: The Washington Post [newspaper]

Title: Male-Female Salary Gap Growing, Study Says

Author: Shannon Henry

Date: January 24, 2002

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