Australia in hot pursuit of "deadbeat dads"

Story here. To think, one can embezzle millions from an employer and walk with a slap on the wrist. Corporations can fail to pay billions in taxes without so much as a fine. But a man behind on "child support" payments either willfully or by force of circumstance moves to a different country and it's a no-holds-barred effort to track the rat-fink down! I mean, he had the temerity to do what women with custody of their kids do all the time-- move to a new country-- and that's all that needs saying for yet another search-and-destroy law. Excerpt:

'THOUSANDS of deadbeat dads are fleeing to New Zealand to escape paying child maintenance.

More than 20,000 Australian parents have escaped overseas to avoid paying child support, with figures revealing NZ is a favourite haven, the Herald Sun reports.

These parents owe around $90 million in unpaid child support, but the Australian Government is about to crack down on them.
Human Services Minister Senator Joe Ludwig said parents who avoided financial obligations to their children would be tracked down.

"Separated parents living overseas now owe around $90 million in payments to their kids back in Australia," Senator Ludwig said.'

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It is heartening to read that so many have left Australia. Even though I think the active resistance to feminism is not great the passive resistance is huge. So we have men just disappearing in a way that defeats the system. But in time this will be made more difficult. Having to pay child support will become like a prison sentence with the inmates tagged and monitored so that ever movement will be recorded.

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