"Stand Up Guys" asks men to foreswear violence against women, ignores everyone else

This makes me physically ill. When I see this kind of thing, I ask myself, "Just what are they thinking? Have they actually done any research at all?"

Can you imagine if a group of whites was going around asking black people to sign a pledge foreswearing some kind of behavior rooted in prejudice and stereotyping and to encourage other blacks to do the same? Can you just imagine the outrage, and rightfully so? So these women are going around and asking men to sign a pledge to say they won't be violent against women and to stand up against it or anything that seems like it encourages it. In fact most of the lines of the pledge basically say that the signer agrees to be a door-mat and never disagree with or have anything negative to say to a woman. Why not just ask men to sign a petition to introduce the full outright enslavement of men to women and be done with it?

Talk about not having done your homework. Talk about sexism. Talk about a level of offensiveness that is almost indescribable when the context is switched to any other class of persons at all. I am actually at a loss to describe how outraged I feel about this sort of thing.

They have a phone number (585-546-7826), they have an email address: info-at-standupguys.org. They can be contacted. However I would like to reiterate that abusive language and raving diatribes do not convince anyone of anything (and can possibly land the caller/writer in serious legal trouble, if the wrong phrase is used or things get a little too hot). In fact they only convince the listener of his or her correctness regardless of the facts. So when you contact them, please be firm but polite, and mention sources of fact, such as the work of Murray Straus and the government's statistics and studies on this topic (use our site's search facility to get links; they're all over), and ask them to start paying attention to the other 60-70% of DV victims: heterosexual men, gay men, and lesbians.

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> This makes me physically ill.

Why to care so much about it? No one buys this BS anymore except feminists.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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They claim that they collected 9.390 signatures, but the counter on their page shows that I am 365'th visitor. This is just a personal initiative of some feminist. Feminism is disappearing.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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"Envisioning A World with Liberty, Justice, Safety and Equality for All"


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Any man that signs that crap should have his ball sack removed. Better yet, what about a link to MANN for all the sheep that have been brainwashed with the 'All men are Evil' bullshit.

By the way, I e-mailed them a very detailed overview of RADAR.


"Courage and consistency
bravery and valor
honor and pride
for what was it worth"

[Dimmu Borgir]

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I continue to be amazed at the ongoing and new attempts by Feminists to get PC Men to promote their Lies and nonsense. Interesting that Dr. Linda Mills new Book comes out of the same area and is getting minimal publicity. Yet she has a Law Degree and a Degree in Social Work. And she flatly states that Domestic Violence is a complex issue with equal Female participation. Time to confront these Assholes with the truth.

Their Male bashing nonsense to pander to Feminists is not going to work. Men are sick of the lies that only Men are violent. And that Women are not responsible for their choices in Male companionship. Like the 25 year old Kansas City NOW Activist who dated a 46 year old Ex Convict. Yes the love of Bad Boys has consequences. She is dead and he killed himself. Yet the morons in these groups would have you believe that Only MEN are violent.

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Thanks, anthony. That is exactly the kind of thing they need to get flooded with.

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Shoot me a copy of that email with e-dressee and I'll follow suit.
< Gunnerretired @ hot mail >


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When contacting them I created a link to the RADAR website as well as a few articles from this site. Hopefully they get the picture.

Radar: http://www.mediaradar.org/


"Courage and consistency
bravery and valor
honor and pride
for what was it worth"

[Dimmu Borgir]

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Greetings -
I visited your website - but I found it very disturbing.
The reason??

There was no pledge for women to do exactly what you were stating men should do.

This is not equality. Not even close.

When you correct your website to by including MEN everywhere you currently state the word "women", then I will happily sign your pledge.

Women are just as violent, if not MORE violent than men in today's society as detailed in over 200 academic studies!!

Harvard Medical School just announced a nationwide survey that found half of domestic violence in heterosexual relationships is reciprocal and that women initiate most of the reciprocal and 71% of the non-reciprocal violence, while both sexes suffered significant injuries.

Women are the leading abusers and murderers of children in american homes!!

Results from a study by researchers with the Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Ga. Tadesse Haileyesus is with the Office of Statistics and Programming, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control indicate almost 24% of all relationships had some violence, and half (49.7%) of those were reciprocally violent. In nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases. Reciprocity was associated with more frequent violence among women (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=2.3; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.9, 2.8), but not men (AOR=1.26; 95% CI=0.9, 1.7).

When you can acknowledge that WOMEN have an EQUAL hand in ALL domestic violence and particularly in violence against children - then I think you will get your support, and very rapidly. By currently stating discredited feminist propoganda you are doing more harm to your cause than good.

Very Sincerely,

oregon dad

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I sent the webmaster an email too. It reads:

Hi, I just visited standupguys.org and I want to puke. Your site implies that all violence is committed by men against women. I hate to break it to you but women initiate the violence in relationships more often than men. Only a eunuch would sign that ridiculously biased pledge. I refuse to sign it b/c what if a woman starts assaulting me? Do you expect me to just take it? Hell no! I'm gonna fight back. I have no problem respecting women, but it's a two way street. If women want to treat men like dirt, I refuse to show them any respect. Respect is not something you get just for having a vagina, I'm sorry.

Btw acting like all relationship violence and violence in general is the fault of the male gender is not only terribly inaccurate, but trying to reduce violence from that standpoint completely overlooks half the problem; the female gender. Why not have a pledge for women to not take advantage of the biased courts and make men's lives hell just cause they can, or go out and murder, rape, and pillage and get away with it just b/c the justice system refuses to punish female perpetrators? How about a pledge for women where they agree to not keep pregnancies secret nor kill a man's baby without even telling him? Or how about they pledge to not be violent towards males, nor condone misandric advertisements? Most women are not concerned with any of these anti-male issues, so why would I sign something that tries to make me look like I'm the bad guy? It's times like these I thank God I'm not a feminised panderer like you. BTW, did you know that in 40% of murders, it's the victim's mom that did it? What does that say for your misandric duluth supporting rhetoric?

Say, now that you have a sexist pledge to try to reduce violence, how about making a racist one for minorities to sign, pledging they'll respect the white man and never be violent towards white people? That's about as appropriate as what you have set up here. Chilvarous males like u are just pathetic.

Good luck with your witch hunt.


Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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"Enlightened fascist" is an oxymoron.


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