Man-Hating Punching Bag, Misandric Book Now Available Online

Article here. I couldn't find this punching bag on the site listed, but it certainly does exist. The picture is proof positive. Excerpt:

"From one bad date to the next, you can’t help but despise the opposite sex. You paid for your own movie ticket (and his) at the children’s rate (his idea, not yours!), and still, he had the nerve to go for a kiss at the date’s termination. Then when you backed away, he suggested a second meeting. As if! Now you just man-hate. Use this Man Bashing Punching Bag ($24.95 at

How hard could it possibly be to put your dirty socks in the hamper, cook once in a while, remember your anniversary? Before you kick your detached, scatter-brained boyfriend to the curb, consider reading the “50 Boyfriends Worse Than Yours” ($9.28 at If he’s worth saving, this book may just be the thing to help you come to that conclusion."

[ Ed. note: One place it is listed says it's discontinued or out of stock. See here. So maybe it already got identified for what it is and pulled from shelves. Good! ]


If your curious about this misandrist book, just read Amazon's editorial review.

"Tired of watching your man play X-Box all day? Does he cruise when you’re not home? When he takes you back to his place, does his mother answer the door? 50 Boyfriends Worse Than Yours is a hilarious collection of these painfully familiar boyfriends, men we’ve all had the misfortune to meet."

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It appears to me that the "punching bag" "ad" seems to be against women who do bash men, especially for the little dating transgressions mentioned. Maybe not really against as such, but it sounds like sarcasm to me. It sounds like it's in the spirit of "you girls are ridiculous when you hate men for these types of things!".

The book however, which is a different ad, is misandric. Probably written by another 'relationship expert' immature fascist whining entitled pig. Imagine the uproar if a book about "50 girlfriends worse than yours" was written.


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and rightfully so. I googled it, and I found out that Glenn Sacks did a blog about it here. Good 'ol Glenn. He's never afraid to speak out against crap like this.

I did find one site that actually recommends this piece of crap as a gift idea. I submitted this comment: "Well then if it's okay for a woman to have a toy that encourages violence against males, including sexual violence (I couldn't help but notice the caption "knee him here" above his crotch), why not start recommending the Lusty Linda doll, which makes as much of a joke out of rape as this has of domestic violence against males?"

I also found another product called "voodoo doll man", which was probably inspired by that Godawful Progressive Insurance commercial from a few years back, but i couldn't find it for sale on any site. Thank God.

Well, at least products like this blast the Duluth model to smithereens. These prove that women are violent and can be violent towards men, and actually want to cause harm to men.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The ManKind Initiative, a UK charity aimed at helping male domestic abuse victims, got this out of Superdrug stores in December 2007.

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