Ask Mr. Dad: Protecting yourself from paternity fraud

Article here. Excerpt:

"Your goal is to avoid becoming a victim of "Paternity Fraud." This is when a mother lies about who a child's father is for the purposes of monetary gain. In your case, you could be on the hook for 18 or more years of child support for a child or children who aren't yours.

The bad news is that paternity fraud is not uncommon. The American Association of Blood Banks found that 30 percent of the men in paternity tests are ruled out as the biological father (other studies put that number at 25 percent).
Unfortunately, even challenging paternity within the window doesn't guarantee that you'll avoid being defrauded. In many states, when a child is born during a marriage, the husband is presumed to be the father - biology is irrelevant. So even if DNA shows that he's not the father, he'll still owe child support."

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Please...not again!
The AABB statistic is nothing more than a statement that in 30% of the tests, the man was proven not to be the child's biological father. It in no way tells us how the results match against the EXPECTED results. In fact, the testing forms are written in such a way not to reveal the expected outcome to maintain objectivity.

If only 70% were submitted to prove once and for all the man is the father, wouldn't that make paternity fraud zero??? Of course not! You must match the actual outcome to the expected outcome on a case-by-case basis to arrive at that statistic and the AABB do not even have that information.

In my case, my 50% "failure" rate was 100% the expected outcome.

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The courts really have done a number in screwing men over with this one. They force men to pay for kids that aren't even theirs, and still force the kids out of the men's lives, even if they love the kids despite who the father is. Say what you will about men who cheat on their wives. At least they'll never conceive a child that the women will have to pay for, even though she's not the mother. It's sickening that this type of extortion is allowed when a man is the victim. As if finding out the children you thought were yours actually weren't isn't bad enough, imagine having to pay for them. I sincerely hope that everybody invovled in a sick scheme like this which both psychologically and financially ruins men's lives get what's coming to them.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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