Maureen Dowd muses on "The Ideal Husband"

Read it here. Wonder when we'll see an op-ed on what the idea wife would be? Excerpt:

'Father Pat Connor, a 79-year-old Catholic priest born in Australia and based in Bordentown, N.J., has spent his celibate life — including nine years as a missionary in India — mulling connubial bliss. His decades of marriage counseling led him to distill some “mostly common sense” advice about how to dodge mates who would maul your happiness.
“Finally: Does he possess those character traits that add up to a good human being — the willingness to forgive, praise, be courteous? Or is he inclined to be a fibber, to fits of rage, to be a control freak, to be envious of you, to be secretive?

“After I regale a group with this talk, the despairing cry goes up: ‘But you’ve eliminated everyone!’ Life is unfair.”'

Eliminated everyone? Good. That's the clearest indication to women that they should not be seeking out a husband.

Ladies, do your boyfriend and yourself a favor and never bring up "The M Word", except to say that it's the last thing you would ever want to do. And, thank-you.

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“After I regale a group with this talk, the despairing cry goes up: ‘But you’ve eliminated everyone!’ Life is unfair.”

Maureen's column is all about faulty men. Both Maureen and her source don't consider faulty women. It reflects the "entitled" attitude of a lot of modern women.

It's my observation that the worst thing a man can do to a woman is to treat her exactly the same way she treats him.

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That reminds me of those "relationship experts" who are all single or divorced women.

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Maureen Dowd has made a media career out of her inability to find even one decent guy.

And she is not "hot."

Take away the red hair dye, the eyebrow waxes, the plastic surgery...

you're stuck with an aging harpie with a bad attitude about herself and all the men who don't appreciate her.

Her self life has expired.

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Take away the $200 set of full dentures too. You know..the ones that keep falling out when she gives her inflatable "ideal male" doll a blow job.


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