RADAR Release: Fix VAWA Now! set to launch with a BANG!

Tomorrow, Independence Day, we'll be launching our "Fix VAWA Now!" campaign.

Independence Day celebrates our freedom from intrusive and oppressive government policies. And that's what Fix VAWA Now! is all about -- telling the public how domestic violence policies allow a simple marital tiff to turn into a heavy-handed knock on the door and a guy being hustled out in hand-cuffs.

As they say, "All politics is local," so last night we had a teleconference with our state-level VAWA Reform Captains. Over the next 5 months months, they'll be putting together YouTube pieces, videos, meeting with lawmakers, writing letters to editors, and doing interviews. RADAR has also put together a Fix VAWA Now! poster, which will be available on the RADAR website tomorrow.

So this is where you come in. Tomorrow, July 4, we'd like to ask you to make some fireworks. We'd like you to make some copies of the "Fix VAWA Now!" flyer and pass them out -- political events, picnics, shopping malls, libraries, Starbucks, gas stations, wherever!

You can download the flyer here (.pdf file).

And as we move forward with the campaign, you'll want to stay connected to the action. So sign up now to receive the RADAR Elerts. Just enter your email address in the box in the upper right hand corner of the RADAR website.

Folks, THIS IS THE REAL THING. We must get word out to every voter and lawmaker in your area: Fix VAWA Now!

We owe it to our children.

The RADAR Team

P.S. Thanks to all of you who made contributions this past month to the Fix VAWA Now! campaign -- we had a record-breaking fund-raising month!!!

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like this v.a.w.a. is to WATCH OUT what legislation fem's attach in the middle of the night, like last year w/ i.m.b.r.a.

if memory serves me no congressperson has YET to vote against v.a.w.a. ever.

last year they could probably put in a rider to castrate any men who feminists designate
as a potential problem for them, and it would have rode right thru.

bet guys would wake up then .... maybe.

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End Joe Biden’s rein of terror and you end a lot of this. He is up for re-election this year.

He is from the State of Delaware. Delaware is 100 miles long and mostly about 20 miles wide. Many many people in Delaware are more than ready to see him go. Had a few thousand people voted the other way, we would not be facing the task of undoing the damage he has done. He CAN be dumped!

RADAR: Dilute your strength across a wide area and get your butt kicked again in D. C. like you did last year or focus on Delaware and cut off a major source of the scourge.

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Announcing a "major" campaign on July 4th is a little like declaring that you are running for President on Christmas Eve.

Absolutely guaranteed ZERO media coverage.

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