UK's most senior female police officer says gang life replacing family life

Story here. The UK's most senior female police officer has stated that gang life is replacing family life in the UK. Excerpt:

'Barbara Wilding, the longest-serving female chief constable, said that social breakdown was giving rise to “enormous concerns about the future of young people”. Ms Wilding, the Chief Constable of South Wales, said:“In many of our larger cities, in areas of extreme deprivation, there are almost feral groups of very angry young people.

“Many have experienced family breakdown, and in place of parental and family role models, the gang culture is now established. Tribal loyalty has replaced family loyalty and gang culture based on violence and drugs is a way of life.” Disaffected young people were also a prime target for terrorist recruiters, she said.'

Of course she is right, and many people are starting to take this view. We have the feminist movement and the 1968 generation to thank for this massive social breakdown. We can add terrorism to the feminist movement's list of social evils.

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Is the 'Great Social Experiment' beginning to show signs of failure? Are we FINALLY waking up to the simple reality that men in general and fathers in particular have been living with for decades now?
Are the mucky muck PhDs really beginning to clue in to devastation wrought by feminism?
Say it ain't so.
Gunner Retired

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I don't think one should draw too much comfort from comments like these coming from high profile women. They are very unlikely to lay the blame on feminism. More likely they will just yet again shove the blame onto men. Also is the breakdown of society a bad thing when that society is feminist?

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