Why Russia's wealthier women are still reluctant to go Dutch

Story here. Excerpt:

'Billboards across Moscow advertising a women's magazine are raising female consciousness by asking Russia's fairer sex: "Are you ready to pay half to be independent?"

It's a question with increasing relevance because growing numbers of young Russian women are moving into management positions, earning good salaries and boosting their spending power. But for most, the answer to the question for now is still a resounding "no".

"When you go out with a guy, even if you're just friends and there's no romantic subtext, you would always expect him to pay," says Svetlana Kolchik, deputy editor of Russia's Marie Claire.'

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Reluctant to go Dutch? That is sooo twentieth-century.

Ditto to the belief that man = wallet, as implied by Oxana in the article.



"Stand up for what is right, especially if you stand alone."

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If a man is always supposed to pay, even if you're just friends, then what good would it be to go out with a woman or be friends with one? If there's nothing in it for you, and you're never treated as an equal, that kind of defeats the pupose of a relationship or friendship, methinks.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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