Gloucester "pregnancy pact" principal suddenly gets amnesia

Story here. Excerpt:

'Gloucester Mayor Carolyn Kirk said the report of a "pregnancy pact" has not been confirmed.
However, Sullivan has now told officials he can't remember what his source of information was.

At a news conference Monday, Kirk said the principal was "foggy in his memory about how he heard about the information."'

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OK, so let's think about this. Group of girls decide to get pregnant at ages 14~17 or thereabouts. Predictably there is a huge spike in teen pregnancies and the school officials get alarmed. The school principal then finds out about this pact from someone, probably the nurse, or maybe one of the girls in the pact. He makes the mistake of talking about it to someone outside the fold. Of course, it stays about as secret as an ad on a billboard.

Fast-forward a few days after it hits national news. The mayor of Gloucester now has a huge public image problem. On top of that, girls wanting to get pregnant at age 15 flies utterly in the face of feminist dogma around the nature of female ambitions. [And while I will not assume that the mayor, who is female, accepts those ideas, she is after all a politician and knows the audience she is playing to.] The desire to have kids is socially-engineered, not innate, they assert, so therefore, it must be an outside influence that is responsible. And of course, as we know, girls are constantly getting sexually victimized, so... it just CAN'T be true that this was deliberate on their parts!

Hell hath no fury as a vested interest tied to a moral imperative.

So, the mayor has a talk with the principal. Now, I am only speculating here. I am not saying I *know* anything, since I don't. This is all just speculation.

Anyway, the outcome of that little chat is this: the girls are not responsible, period. And, it's a private matter anyway (ie, they don't want people around when the witch hunt for boys swings into full gear). They are in fact victims and there was no pact, so get some amnesia fast or I will make sure you never work again within 100 miles of this town.

Now, the girls are off the hook and it's OK to feel sorry for them. Any of the fathers involved, even be they underage themselves, are clearly predators and must be found and punished. So the "inquiry" begins.

Anyone know how far Salem is from Gloucester?

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Gloucester, MA is only about 15-20 miles from the Witch City of Salem, MA.

I wonder if Kirk's memory was really foggy, or if it was actual fog which drifted in from Gloucester Harbor.

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I suspect that the knowledge of the "pact" was, though true, was hear-say. An previous report from the mayor's office stated that the circumstances where complex. It seems possible the the "complexity" comes from leagal rammifications.

This move by the mayor makes the way clearer for the state to charge the boys, and force them to pay child support.


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I agree that reason is probably to put the focus on the boys who impregnated the girls. I predict that if charges are brought, the alleged "pact" will strictly be forbidded to be brought up at trial.

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The evidence that has been reported by the Time Magazine journalist who broke the case includes multiple interviews with girls who stated that they had indeed "planned" their pregnancies and discussed how much fun it would be to raise their babies together.

Here's a suggestion - what are the due dates for birthing among these girls? If they all fall into pretty much the same time zone, that would suggest some degree of planning and coordination, right?

If the "conspiracy" angle is not dismissed, then the girls look like predators - very bad for future court cases if the boys are prosecuted. Additionally, "planning" is evidence of consent to intercourse, and would weaken the rape argument.

The feminist blogs are already screeching with outrage that girls are being portrayed as calculating skanks. Their BS line goes like this - the girls are victims of an Evil Patriarchy that destroys young women's self-esteem and conditions girls to think that their only self-worth comes from motherhood. (The same Evil Patriarchy that forces them to wear thongs and read the "how to turn him on in bed" columns in Cosmo magazine.)

The town's mayor's appeal to keep these matters private is laughable. This story is going to be about as private as the Duke U. false rape fiasco.

And, it is becoming clear that the town council and school board will need a "fall guy" for upcoming CYA maneuvers. I am sure the high school principal understands what it meant when he was banned from the recent council discussion. He is probably updating his resume and will resign shortly.

I also am sure that the book deals and made-for-TV movie offers are soon forthcoming.

After all, 17 pregnant girls are a lot more worthy of media coverage than 4,100 dead American men.

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Equal Choices For Dads

Where is the reproductive equality?

What reproductive choices did these Dads-to-be have?

# Keep it in their pants

# Wear a condom

# Get custody and collect child support (20% of the time)

# Pay, pay, pay for the 18+ years that Mom and the Nanney state decree

# Go to jail!

What reproductive choices did these Moms-to-be have?

# safe have abandonement

# abstinence

# the pill

# foam


# abortion

# put the baby up for adoption

# get custody and collect child support (80% of the time)

As long as men do not have reproductive choices, comparable to what women have, all child support they and/or the Nanny state collect is paternity fraud.

Mom's Precious Paternity Fraud Pay Check

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The State extends the programs/gifts and what happens?
Women accept the gifts.

Now if we could just vote to pay the fathers for providing the seeds to the mothers, then everything would be fair.

A "father's child creation" benefit - that is only paid to males.
It would equal 200% of any child support order required by law. This would be justified as providing "educational aid" or "job training" funding to the fathers.

This could work. It would be the 'other shoe' dropping...

oregon dad

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