Male Teacher Shortages in Early Education

Many people are unaware of the incredibly low percentage of male teachers in early childhood, elementary, and middle school education. This Associated Press article discusses the issue and talks about the importance of male teachers as role models for young children, especially boys.

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Manhattan Schools Adopt Strict Sexual Harassment Rules

The New York Post reports that schools in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan have adopted outrageous guidelines regarding sexual harassment - which apply all the way down to preschool-aged children. Actions that can be identified and treated as sexual harassment under these rules include sexual jokes and teasing. Certainly sexual harassment can be a legitimate issue in high school and even middle school, but I think in the context of 4-6 year olds an "unwanted kiss" shouldn't be identified as "sexual harassment". The article can be read here.

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Australian Police Refuse Giving DNA Samples

In Australia, thousands of police officers have been asked to offer samples of their DNA to rule them out as suspects in crimes. But many of them are refusing for the specific reason that they don't want the genetic information used against them in paternity suits! Apparently the police are well aware of the immense power that child support agencies have, and are frightened for good reason about it. The article was found in The Daily Express Micro Edition, and can be found here.

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Cathy Young On The Central Park Rampage

First we had Kathleen Parker's commentary on Central Park, and now Cathy Young has written this story in the Jewish World Review. More insightful views on the way gender has been superimposed upon the event by the powers-that-be (in particular, NOW).

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Can Circumcision Help Prevent the Spread of HIV?

Salon magazine has printed a controversial article which looks into the possibility that circumcision can help prevent the spread AIDS. The evidence mentioned in the article does not prove the relationship 100%, but does suggest that more research be done to examine the effect that circumcision has on the transmission or contraction of AIDS.

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Reproductive Rights News From Maryland

Some very encouraging news on men's reproductive rights: Maryland's highest court ruled that men have the right to modify or nullify their paternity agreement if a DNA test proves they are not the father of the child(ren) they are raising. Read this article from The Nando Times. In most states, a father is still required to pay child support for children that are not his if he doesn't challenge his paternity status within a certain time period from the child's birth. This situation unfairly benefits women who fraudulently deceive men into becoming parents, and is not a rare phenomenon. It's good to hear that unknowingly enslaved men have some way out of such an unfair situation, at least in Maryland now. Update: There's another article from The Washington Post here. It adds several details to the story, including the fact that men will not be allowed to demand repayment of past child support payments.

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Kathleen Parker On The Central Park Rampage

There is an article in the Orlando Sentinel by Kathleen Parker about the recent attacks on women in Central Park. Parker tries to defuse the gender blame-game that's going on right now, and look at it not as any norm of male behavior but as the despicable event that it is, independent of gender.

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Finally: Elian Goes Home

As you may know, Elian Gonzalez has permanently returned to Cuba with his father. The saga has come to and end. Here are several news reports on the event and the Supreme Court decision: CNN, ABCnews, Reuters, and Associated Press. Rather than write my own comments on this story, I've received permission to re-print Ed Bartlett's e-mail, The Mirror of Elian Gonzalez, which I feel sums up this ordeal very well.

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Interesting Child Custody Compromise

Joe submitted this interesting article from The Boston Globe in which a unique compromise was made for child custody between two divorcing parents: one parent will have the child on weekdays, the other on weekends, and this arrangement will be reversed every year for each parent. Could this be a reasonable compromise for child custody disputes?

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Legalizing Baby Abandonment

WorldNetDaily featured a story today that outlined information on proposed "baby abandonment" laws presented to the North Carolina General Assembly, House Bill 1616 and Senate Bill 1257. From the article, it seems that the wording of the bills is gender neutral, and there is also a brief mention of father's rights in regard to women abandoning babies without informing them. Whether you agree with the idea of voluntary baby abandonment or not, it would be wrong to make these laws only applicable to the mother, as it would end up pushing men's reproductive rights even further behind than they already are.

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Cathy Young Reviews The War Against Boys

You can find an excellent review of Christina Hoff Sommer's new book The War Against Boys here. Cathy Young, another great campaigner of equity feminism, gives an in depth and insightful review of the book in Salon magazine. She is sometimes critical of Sommer's claims, but that's what makes a good review - to hear the good and the bad about the work (and certainly there is always both).

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Men and Doctor Visits

USA Today had an article urging men to visit their doctor on a regular basis, with several anecdotes about men who had close calls because of their distant relationships with their doctors. There are a couple of annoying lines in the article (such as, "Most men are more powerful than women at every level of social and economic class"), but nevertheless the article still gives some very good and pertinent advice for men.

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Upcoming Movie About Domestic Violence Against Men

Phil Penningroth has been commissioned by the USA cable TV channel to write a movie on the topic of domestic violence against men by women. He is looking for people to contact him and tell him their stories, so he can base the movie on a composite of men's true stories. If you are a man who is willing to tell your story of domestic violence, please contact Dr. Charles E. Corry and he will give you more information. You can remain an anonymous contributer if you wish. And be sure to keep an eye out for this movie - I will look for more info and post it when it nears completion. Dr. Corry's phone number and snail mail address can be found below by clicking on "Read More..."

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Career Day for Our Sons

Today is official "Career Day for Our Sons", a day dedicated to helping young men think about careers. It's the male counterpart to "Take Our Daughters to Work Day", and in many places, girls are not excluded from Career Day for Our Sons. CDFOS was started by The National Coalition of Free Men, and is supported by many men's organizations.

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We're Moving To A New Server!

I'm happy to announce that I've found a permanent location to host the Men's Activism News Network, and I'm planning on moving the site to the new server late next week. Click below to read more...

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