The Head Of The Medusa

Aceman wrote in to tell me about a book entitled: The Head of the Medusa: The Rise and Fall of Western Civilization at the Hands of Radical Feminism by Perseus. The book is free to read on-line. Would anyone like to submit a review of this book that I could post to this site (how about you, Aceman)? If so please send your submissions to and I'll be glad to post them.

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Series Of False Accusation News

I've received a few reports about false accusations that I decided to consolidate into this story. A young woman from the UK received 7,500 pounds by making a false rape charge and was discovered (UK Telegraph). Another teacher was vindicated of sexual harassment charges, whose jury deliberation took less than 30 minutes (UK Telegraph). And a policeman from London received 300,000 pounds for being falsely accused of indecently assaulting a female co-worker (Again, from the UK Telegraph). Credit goes to IHF for submitting these stories.

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Montel Williams Looking For Alienated NCPs

I received an e-mail forward concerning an upcoming Montel Williams talk show which will be on the topic of non-custodial parents who have been alienated from their children (by the other parent). If you'd like to info on how to get on the show, click "Read More" to see the instructions and contact info. Note that the deadline for being considered as a guest is August 23, so act now if you're interested!

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Al Knight On Family Court Issues

The Denver Post had a great editorial column by Al Knight, which covers a wide range of issues related to men in family court. In it, he discusses bias in custody determination, challenges the "deadbeat dad epidemic" myth, and false accusations. Long, but a good read.

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Teacher Acquitted Of Sexually Abusing Schoolgirl

The Mailman writes "David Leland Stevens, science teacher of 32 years, sums it up after the trial: 'I love my job. I love my kids and I love what I do. This is the beginning of the beginning again.'" It's yet another story of a man being falsely accused. The Washington Post has the link here.

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Men's Studies Professor Purged At Dawson College

Rand and an Anonymous User both submitted this link to some disturbing news. Prof. Jeffrey Asher from Dawson College (in Canada) had his men's studies classes cancelled by the administration and was told that he could no longer teach on this subject. Prof. Asher then left his job, and is publicly denouncing the decision as a political move to silence his views. Please read this article, and ask yourself, "am I going to keep silent about this?"

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Man Falsely Convicted Of Rape Goes Free After 10 Years

Anonymous User writes "CONROE, Texas - Three years after DNA evidence first suggested he was innocent, a logger serving a 99-year sentence for a rape that he always denied went free Tuesday morning." I didn't receive a link with this, but found an ABCnews story on it here. Note that reported on this story back when the pardon was first suggested. Update: Our anonymous friend just sent in this link to a Dallas Morning News article which is really good.

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John Leo Reports On PC Absurdities

John Leo's latest article in US News is a series of "politically correct" absurdities, such as banning the children's game "musical chairs" because it encourages aggression, or having men sit down to urinate because it would make them equal with women. Some of the anecdotes were silly, others were more disturbing.

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Choice For Men Demonstration Update

I received a press release for the Choice for Men demonstration which is planned for Saturday, August 26, 2000, on Capitol Hill. Click "Read More" to read the press release. will be tracking the demonstration and I will provide updates on this site of how the demonstration progresses.

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Trashing British Boys

IHF pointed me to this story from the UK Telegraph, "So, are British boys really that bad?" It's based on the comments of the daughter of the US Ambassador about British boys around the age of 15, including "British boys really suck." We're obviously dealing with some high-intellect journalism here.

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"Male Bias" Cheats Women Of First-Class Degrees

Brian O'Higgins writes "According to a "study" by two genderists at Oxford, women are being denied equality in first-class degrees awarded, because the assessment system is geared towards a male style of argumentation. You can read about it at this UK Sunday Times link. Note that in the same breath as these genderists denounce the alleged sexism of this state of affairs, they shamelessly indulge in some very real sexism of their own, blatantly claiming that women consider arguments in a more careful and balanced way than men, exposing once again - for those who have yet to notice - the crypto-racist thinking that underlies much of feminist ideology." Great submission Brian! I couldn't have said it better myself.

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Anti-Male Attitudes In American Universities

Jim Castelli and an Anonymous User wrote in about this link to a front page Boston Globe article on colleges that are unfriendly to men. Men's Health recently did the survey of colleges and universities and picked the most anti-male schools in the country. I can't find a link to the MH article on-line, but to any young men considering college - find this issue of the magazine and check it out! I'd love to see more assessments of universities based on these criteria.

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If Men Have All The Power, How Come Women Make The Rules?

Jack Kammer wrote in to ask that I post info about his book, titled If Men Have All The Power How Come Women Make The Rules? I have read this book myself and have found it to be an incredible tool in making friends aware of men's issues, which is almost a miracle in itself. The book is not long and consists of many short aphorisms, which seems to appeal to men. Best of all, the book is free (since Jack couldn't find a publisher), and all he asks is that you write to him and let him know that you've read it and any feedback you could offer him. I'm not the only one with glowing praise for this work, here are comments from other readers as well. And finally, click here to go to his site to download the book (again, it's free - please take a moment to check it out).

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School Teacher Rapes 12 YO Boy

A middle school teacher from Sligo Middle School in the DC area has been charged with having sex with a 12 year-old boy whom she met while teaching summer school. The boy says they have had sex several times since mid-July, and that she would have the boy sneak out of his house at night and pick him up at a street corner to drive him to her home. I will keep an eye on this case and see how it turns out. The Washington Post printed the article here.

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Fresno Child Support Demonstration had a recent story on a small demonstration in the city against unfair child support practices. The article mentions the standard inequalities and errors that the child support collection system creates, and it's good to see a local newspaper give attention to the issue.

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