Farrell to Discuss College Misandry on Sacks' show

Tatis writes "Best-selling men's issues author Warren Farrell will discuss anti-male hostility on our college campuses on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles at 11 PM on Sunday, April 27. To listen to the show live via the Internet, go to http://hisside.com/listen_live.htm. Listeners are invited to call the show and join the discussion at 1 866 870-KRLA.

Sacks and Farrell will be joined by members of the National Coalition of Free Men Los Angeles who will discuss their recent demonstration against anti-male campus feminism."

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"Perfect" Boyfriend Movie

Anon User writes "This story absolutely irritated me: The entire basis is a video of a British actor acting like a so-called "perfect" boyfriend (e.g. arranging flowers, gaggable flowery compliments, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, hates strip clubs and football games, etc. ad nauseam) which any woman can watch on her VCR or DVD player. Apart from the fact that the company producing this tape is making this out to be funny, the article quotes a "V.P. of romance" from Match.com as suggesting that the videotape will "fail to deliver like so many bad boyfriends in the past" and that it could be used as a training tool for men! The icing on the cake is the quote at the end of the article from a representative of the company regarding a comparable "Perfect Girlfriend" videotape: "That could be controversial, since she’d probably be a girl in her underwear with tape over her mouth handing you a beer."

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Women: Earn $$$ At Home! Threaten False Rape Charges. Minimal Risk.

This story ought to get a rise out of you. Is any man safe?

As the article states, "Langshaw (the woman) pleaded no-contest to six felony counts of extortion, five felony counts of sending threatening letters and three misdemeanor counts of falsely reporting crimes (sexual assault) to law enforcement. She will be sentenced to no more than one year in Sacramento County jail." Her boyfriend (Umana) "pleaded no-contest to three felony counts of attempted extortion and three felony counts of sending threatening letters. As part of a plea agreement, prosecutors agreed that Umana would receive no more than two years in state prison."

The woman pleaded to 6 felony counts of extortion. The man pleaded to half as many felony counts of attempted extortion ("attempted" usually being less serious than "completed"). The woman pleaded to five felony counts of sending threatening letters. The man pleaded to three felony counts of sending threatening letters (a little more than half as many as the woman). In addition the woman pleaded to three misdemeanor counts of falsely reporting crimes. The man didn't plead to any misdemeanors. So what are the sentences? The woman faces a maximum of one year in the county lockup. The man faces up to two years in the state pen.

Fembots will probably spew garbage about how we don't know all the particulars of the case. Well we sure as hell know what the defendents pleaded to.

How do we stop these monsters?

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To frown is a crime?!

MrDave writes "The city council in Palo Alto, California is considering a “code of conduct” mandating officials not to roll their eyes, shake their heads, or frown. The purpose is to discourage non-verbal forms of “disagreement or disgust”. The council member proposing the idea is a woman. The scary aspect of this story is Palo Alto is the last city in Silicon Valley, California, to consider such a code – according to the mayor: also a woman. How long until men are arrested and charged with frowning at the silliness of such women? Unless we’re careful, laughing out loud at a woman could become a capital crime. News story at http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/5576044.htm"

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New Standard of Teamwork in Men’s Movement

warble writes

"The men’s movement came together yesterday (April 22nd) and fought for male issues with a unified, coordinated, professional, and well-refined front. The organizations instrumental in this effort involved ACFC, CAPF-CA, US-CAPF, NCFM – LA, RAAPFV, MSN, MND, hisside.com, and many more groups and individuals working behind the scenes. Indeed, the effort was an international one that drew people in from all corners of America and drew attention from all corners of the earth. It has taken the veterans of the men’s movement ten years to establish this type of foundation from which we could leverage our influence."

For the rest of this message of hope, click on "Read More/Post Comments."

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How easy for victims to lie!

MrDave writes "
“To brainwash and manipulate a segment of the population ... convince them they were victims ... easy to blame someone for our problems... victims are conferred a higher moral status ... They become motivated, self-righteous and regimented ... They don't care if society is destroyed as long as they get their way.” Those are the thoughts of cantankerous prophet, Henry Makow.

“Victims don't care about objective truth ... their suffering gives them the right to manipulate the truth ... "Post modern" and "feminist" (i.e. Marxist) theory disputes the existence of objective reality ... How easy then to lie!"

Makow’s full essay is at: http://www.savethemales.ca/000012.html"

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UN Feminist Taken To Task For Anti-Male Bias

We've all seen evidence of anti-male prejudice at the United Nations.

This article points out how Dr. Ned Holstein, clinical assistant professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and a specialist in public health and preventive medicine, has challenged Carol Bellamy, executive director of the U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF), to back up her misandry with some facts or withdraw her proposal to give special attention to the needs of women and children (and as a result less attention to the needs of men) in Africa. Holstein, a spokesman for Fathers and Families ("one of about a dozen gender equity groups from around the world that are calling on Bellamy to retract or renounce her proposal"), states that Bellamy's proposal violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a U.N. document that prohibits any form of sex discrimination.

Perhaps it's time to look a little deeper into the misandry at the UN and to start demanding not only a few retractions but also some resignations.

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Women Responsible for Homeland Security?

hurkle writes "In
this article

the author manages to insult both men and women at the same time. Men ignore their societal requirements, and women save the day by giving in to their anxieties."

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Dads On Air Interview Warren Farrell

Dads on air have re-posted their 2001 interview with Warren Farrell, Here's the lowdown "Dads On The Air interviewed Warren Farrell last time he was in Australia in 2001 and we are taking this Easter Holidays as a chance to now put this up on line and replay it for those who missed it." It's about 1 hour 15 mins with breaks in between. Oh yeah about 50 mins in, the interviewer plays the Dixie Chicks song "Goodbye Earl" talk about irony.

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MANN Chat: Sexual Abuse of Men and Boys

I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday
night (4/23), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the href="http://www.mensactivism.org/chat.shtml">usual location. 
The topic for this chat will be "Sexual Abuse of Boys and Men." 
The sexual abuse of boys and men is largely overlooked by
society.  There is a double standard regarding sexual abuse: abuse
of women and girls gets a lot of attention, while abuse of men and boys
is ignored, celebrated, or even rationalized.  The consequences of
these social attitudes are incredibly devastating to male victims of
sexual abuse.  What can we do to fix this situation?  Join us
at this week's chat to discuss what we can do to correct this
problem.  Feel free to invite a friend or two to join us.

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"Chasing Papi" Rhymes With....

Thundercloud. writes "A little while back I submitted a post about yet another anti-male movie that is to be released soon. But I didn't know the name of the movie, untill now. It is called "CHASING PAPI".
As you (may) recall I described this movie as haveing an all hispanic cast. That's not the bad part, of course. The bad part is that this is yet ANOTHER; "Men are all evil, cheating, louses and women get revenge on man, by tying him up and torturing him.
This is simply an Hispanic version of any given anti-male\males-put-in-bondage-by-"righteous"-wome n movie that we have all seen in the past. The whole "Man as lying, cheater" scenario is just an excuse to show the usual; 'women tying up and gagging and dominating a man bondage situation', that has become so prevalant on TV and movies these days.
I don't know who's sicker. The people who keep cranking these hate-films out or the women who go see them...
And women ask why men don't particularly like them, anymore. Yeah, Can't imagine, ladies. Can't imagine."

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Let's Tell Our Side

Freebird writes "This article entitled "Women March To End Violence" entitled shows the usual female tendency to ignore violence against males, which of course makes up the overwhelming majority of violence, not to mention female against male violence being nearly as common as vice versa and increasing year by year. There is a place at the bottom of this page to post feedback regarding the article. We should take advantage of opportunities like this to get the truth about violence out. The more the publice hears it, the better for all of us."

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Public Humiliation Not Enough Reason For Divorce

AngelKnight writes "I don't know if you've seen this, but there's been a ruling in Italy where a magistrate who divorced his wife because she would berate him in public and abuse him verbally all the time was wrong in divorcing her - because there was no cause. Of course, she claims that this is just par for the course in married relationships."

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History of the Women's Movement: One Man's Perspective

I recently posted a link to an essay by Erin Pizzey that discussed the development of the women's movement since the late-1960s. Here's an essay by a man on the development of feminism in the same time period. It's a bit long, but a good read.

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Scholars ask if manly virtue is all washed up

CJ writes " What is the future of manliness
itself after decades of ignominious retreat? Get a group of academic feminists together, invite a pro-male College professor, and debate the need for masculine studies on campus at Radcliffe. The head feminist asks "whether masculinity studies isn't a form of ''academic Viagra''-an attempt to resolve the culture-wide crisis of ''hetero-masculinity'' by stealing some of feminism's scholarly mojo." The article ends by implying that women have less justice than men do... unbelievable. I’d like to add that it is time to start lawsuits that demand equal budgets for studies in both sexes on college campus, just like in sports. Normative studies on masculinity are all but gone. Thirty years of hard-line feminist studies on perceived masculine socio-pathological constructs have lead to laws which are biased against men, and have resulted in the “culture-wide crisis of ''hetero-masculinity'' – time for a change."

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