Women: The Hardier Sex...

radikal writes "Another report about women being able to tolerate pain better than men. Didn't someone contest this?"

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Boycott "The Body Shop" anti male compaign

Earl writes "Boycott "The Body Shop" anti-male campaign.
The Body Shop for many years has been supporting and solicting donations from customers to "Stop the violence against women".

This attitude is blatantly anti male; not recognizing male victims of domestic violence, blaming men for all violence and condoning violence against men by making it a non-issues.

Simply going into a store and telling the manager that they will not shop at the store sends a warning to the management.

Please pass it on!!!"

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Venomous Male Bashing Op-Ed

Freebird writes "In this Op-Ed piece Jim Reeves makes no attempt at all to mask his venomous misandry. Words alone just cannot do justice to this piece. Granted, he's entitled to his opinion, but we should make ours known, not only to him and his newspaper, but everyone else. If this sort of thing goes unanswered, it will just open the floodgates to even more of the same. Now we know how the Jews felt in Germany before the extermination camps began. You'll have to read it to appreciate it."

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Business Week says boys are falling behind

Anonymous User writes " The biggest problem with this article is how gleefully the author jokes about how boys are falling behind girls in education."

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Domestic violence staff walks out on video showing

SunCat writes "
Karen Dunne and her associates acknowledged
that women do assault men in relationships, but the problem isn't big enough to justify the amount of time and money spent on it.

Family Violence Coordinating Council of Cecil County"

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MSN & American "Greetings" team up for misandry

Martian Bachelor writes "Well, two of our favorite male-bashing mega-companies have now evidently teamed up to spread their hate wide and far across the land: You only have to look at one or two to get the idea. Any great new ideas on how to put an end to this sort of crappola masquerading as hip humor? Cheers! MB"

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Female Suicide Bomber Kills Ten

CPM writes "Female Suicide Bomber Kills Ten She is not the first and will not be the last. The grrls also have their hand in the terrorism business. Don't forget to mention this when your femitwit acquaintences tell you how it is only men who inflict violence."

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DV Criteria

masculinism writes "G'Day from Sydney Australia. You would have to question the Justice Department's description of DV. It is so 'gender specific' as to indicate that a male experiencing DV is an impossibility. Under 'Who Commits DV:........in recent years, some studies suggest women use violence in intimate relationships as frequently as men do. These studies are refuted by credible members of the domestic violence discipline, particularly batterers' treatment providers, who are concerned about flaws in such studies:..........
The DV description for the Justice Department must have been handed over to the feminist lobby.

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Companies with anti-male agendas

Anonymous User writes "Wal Mart employes 75% female and has been removing male goods from there shelves citing "racy". . .not. Take a look at comso and the massive amounts of fem mags and then we'll understand "racy."

I have started watching CNN with my son. . .the journalist male and female are extremely anti-male. Watch as they nearly jump out of there seat when someone attempts to stand up for a boy or man. Every criminal women must be a victim. . .Evey man is guilty and should be exicuted or at least extreme punishment. They do have an older gentlemen that attempts to look and talk about things realistically; however, the other journalist always and very quickly, shuts him up. My son is learning the dangers of being male in today's society and I will do everything in my power to make him understand that he is, the very good person he is. . .reguardless of the schools, courts, tv, or societies general anti-male sentiment. I teach and prove (thanks CNN) the real threat and dangers of dating (especially having sex with a)women these days. Men loose their jobs, careers, property, money, health, they are very regularly and often wrongly imprisoned to be beaten and raped, just to name a few. . . Nobody cares (society). I myself am afraid and have chosen (if I still have that right) to NOT get on the elevator with the snake. . . I'll take the stairs too.

Signed: The persecuted"

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False Accuser May Be Punished

This article in the UK Independent tells of how Nadine Milroy–Sloan falsely accused former Tory minister Neil Hamilton and his wife, Christine Hamilton, of sexual assault. It looks like she may actually do time for her monstrous crime. According to Christine Hamilton, "The whole thing was preposterous and false. It was a deeply frightening experience."

Now Ms Hamilton has an idea of how so many falsely accused men feel. It's also interesting that in the article's title the Independent refers to the horrendous crime as a "slur."

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Fantasy Fighting Women Damaging to Women

Anonymous User writes "

This article may only be accesible to AOL subscribers or NYTimes subscribers, I'm not sure. It is about all of the new video games where strong, independent, sexy, sultry, intelligent women beat the living crap out of men. Of course, the focus of this idiotic piece is how this is harmful TO WOMEN!!!! I couldn't believe it either. Mark"

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Ask Ads Week 1

Ok folks, here goes the first week of Ask Ads where you ask your questions and I (along with the regulars) try to answer 'em. So let's begin.

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News Story About Rape Charge Spreads Misandry

Luek writes "This is an article about an Air Force Academy cadet charged with raping a female cadet. His name is printed for all the world to see but not the female accusor's.

This man has not been convicted of any criminal act so why should his name be dragged through the mud? This is always the pattern when the media reports alledged man on woman crime. The man is always named but the female accusor is never mentioned so as to protect her precious sensitivities. And of course women never make false allegations of rape or other crimes as we all know!"

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The Secret Fantasies of Women?

Andrew74 writes "
This just makes me sick. It's unbelievable, I don't know what to say. It's great to know that only society's standards and the chance of getting caught stop most women from abandoning their families.

Some background history to this story:
Dar Heatherington is a city alderman that made accusations of kidnapping, stalking, and rape when she was found in Las Vegas after disapearing on a trip to Great Falls. She was questioned by the police, her story fell apart, and she admitted that she made the whole story up and had really just ran off with a married man."

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Disscussion on False Accusations of Rape

" This female 'cadet' downs six shots of tequila in a men's
dorm, then has sex. Guess who's fault it is?"

by Dave Nevers

"And she went to the men's dorm after having drunk alcohol already and
then downed another six shots of tequila.

However, the rape- and various associated charges in the case are for
a good cause, to save the woman's reputation (the sex was apparently

Defense counsel Capt. Kathleen Reder suggested the woman
reported the incident because she was worried her
boyfriend, also a cadet, would be angry with her for having
sex and that her reputation would be tarnished.

The man's reputation doesn't matter; to save the woman's, the man's
reputation needs to be destroyed. That is part of the price to be
paid for female "liberation" and "equality".

The moral of the story is, if you are a woman who has had illicit sex
and was found out, offence is the best defence: LAY RAPE CHARGES!
Chances are it will work more often than not in the woman's favour; if
not, so what! There are no consequences for women for lying in the

There's nothing new about any of that." Here's some points you'll find interesting.

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