Feminism Today

Here's another good essay on the societal train wreck known as feminism.

Granted, there are some points in the essay that trouble me. First of all, the author, George Rolph, seems to buy into the fallacy that women were far more oppressed than men in the past. He also seems to feel a need to be some type of feminist, judging by his apparent comfort with what he believes feminism's earliest ideals were--"removing from society those things which discriminate against the female gender in particular and both genders in general." That sounds rather like the statement from "Animal Farm," "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."

Still, it's a damn good read.

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Divorce, Custody, and Visitation: Japanese Style

Men, who think they're going to get a fair deal by marrying foreign (especially Japanese) women, should read this. As fair warning, take note of the statement, "Even if children are taken away from a parent abroad who has legal custody and are brought here, Japan is a haven from international law."

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Child Support and Fatherhood

Dittohd writes "The John Walsh Show, a talk show on during the day, did the entire show today (7/15/2003) on fathers forced into fathering children of other men after the wife cheats and doesn't tell the husband. Here's a link to the website giving details of the show. One guy didn't find out until after the divorce because of one of his children's medical problems, that 3 of his 4 children weren't his. If it weren't for that, he still wouldn't know the truth. Another guy didn't find out until after his wife died. A year later, the biological father who had had an affair with the wife, claimed that he was the child's biological father and sought full custody of the child. Naturally, the wife and John Walsh, in the first case, were more on the side of the man sucking it up and continuing to father the children and pay child support ($1100 per month!) for the SAKE OF THE CHILDREN. Don't you get sick of that "for the sake of the children" crap being used whenever it's convenient?"

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Two men having a baby together : how it works

rage writes "As some of you already know, scientists managed to make eggs out of male embryonic stem cells a few weeks ago. Following this step towards male reproductive independance, here is an explanation
of the whole process to enabling two men to have a baby who is genetically theirs. Note that a donor is required for the first egg used to cloning the man willing to obtain an egg of his own, but once one woman has given an egg, then theorically no more women are needed for every man interested in the experiment, as scientists then have at disposal a virtual infinite supply of eggs thanks to embryonic male stem cells."

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Many Men's Response to Our Anti-Male Culture


Here's an essay on how feminism is leading to anti-social behavior by men. I'd say it hits quite a few nails on the head.

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MANN Chat: NH Men's Commission Finally Becomes Reality

I will be hosting this week's MANN chat in Steve Imparl's place. The topic for this chat will be the new NH Commission on the Status of Men and its future. This Wednesday, NH Governor Craig Benson will announce the final two nominations for the NH Commission on the Status of Men. This is the final step we've been waiting for since last May when former Governor Jeanne Shaheen signed the bill into law. What kinds of strategies do you think the NH Men's Commission should use, given its mission? And how do you think it can overcome the problem of its complete lack of funding? Join us Wednesday night, July 16, starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time in the usual place for a discussion of this topic.

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Woman admits to false accusations.

angry_young_men writes "Woman admits rape lies. She talked her kids into lying on her behalf too - heavy stuff."

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His Side: Does NOW Represent Young Women?

Anon User writes "At its annual conference this weekend on the theme of "The Drive Towards Equality," NOW struggled to win the loyalties of many women in their 20s and 30s. A diverse panel of young women discussed NOW, mainstream feminism, and gender issues on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles on Sunday, July 13. To listen to the show live via the Internet, go to His Side"

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Site answers many questions on Russian women

Matt writes "Hey, if you are still at all interested in marriage, maybe start by reading this site It seems to answer a lot of questions about such arrangements that are very hard to get answered elsewhere.

I would have submitted this under the topic "For the Gambling Man", but there was no such one. :) "Divorce" was the closest I could find. But apparently the divorce rate among US men and Russian women is less than half that of marriages between US men and women, so there still may be hope for some of us, at least, of a decent chance at something like a (more) predictably safe(r) kind of 'traditional' relationship with a woman -- you know, the old fashioned kind wherein the woman doesn't seem to hate the man for no apparent reason and then runs off with his kids in a few years, leaving him with the bill."

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Guys have to work at reclaiming masculinity

Anonymous User writes "
One of the most openly misandric articles I have read for quite some time. Right from the beginning, the tone of the piece is defiantly vituperate, with quotations such as: 'Males are, in many ways, parasites upon their partners.' Hornblow continues her salvo by villifying the status of men in education, work, and the family. In conclusion, she argues that, the only way in which modern man may legitimately reclaim his (forbidden) masculinity is through reducing himself to the 'lowest common denominator': thus, embracing the traditional 'bachelor' stereotype. If that doesn't appeal, Hornblow advises buying a copy of Steve Jones' book, "Y: The Descent of Man", and indulging in some real gender autolysis."

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How and why women kill

zenpriest writes "Here is a perfect example
of how women kill - covertly and indirectly - and why they kill - because they don't like the way they are being treated. Notice also that it took almost 5 months for the authorities to file charges against her."

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NCFM-DC member does radio interview airing 7/12

Matt writes "Listen over the web at:
Live On Line

here :


NCFM-DC Member to Appear on Radio Show

Washington DC Chapter member Matt Campbell will appear as a guest on a Washington, DC area radio station this Saturday and Sunday, July 12 and 13. (Pre-recorded)

Mr. Campbell will be on radio station WFAX's "Mainstreet" show, with host Don Karnes and will discuss the chapter's recent press conference, "Voices from the Other Side of the Gender Debate", and other men's rights issues and concerns.

Mr. Campbell will also describe other recent chapter activity, including a rally in March to protest Martha Burk's appearance at a local feminist conference, attendance at The Million Dad's March on Father's Day, and development of the chapter's new expanded web site.

The "Mainstreet" show will be aired on Saturday, July 12 at 7:00 AM, 5:45 PM, and 9:30 PM, and again on Sunday, July 13 at 8:15 PM.

WFAX-AM is at 1220 on the AM dial."

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Computer program guesses sex of authors

Garth writes "Researchers have developed a computer program that can guess the sex of an author with 80% accuracy by simply reading their work. Surprisingly (or not), they have been denied publication on the grounds that their work is sexist. One critic states: "This whole rush to categorisation usually works against women." The researchers say they are "just reporting the numbers.""

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This Might Be Worth Referencing

This article reports on research showing that men are far less likely (in fact not at all likely, if they think they can't get caught) than women to admit to fear. I post this because one of the most common arguments given by feminists, when they attempt to disregard domestic violence committed by women against men, is that if you ask a woman and a man, who have been victims of DV, if they are afraid of the perpetrator, the woman will say "yes" and the man will say "no."

The feminists claim that this shows that the man isn't really a victim, but they know that a man, even if he is afraid of a woman, is very unlikely to admit it.

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Ask Ads 6

This week, I've decided to do something fun and dust off my 8-Ball to see some active service. Yep that's right, you ask the questions and I'll use the 8-Ball to answer, so ask away, and let's have some good questions ok?

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