Men Forced to Fight

Mbwuto writes "What happened to freedom? Our government may be once again preparing to institute the draft. Why is it that only men are forced into slavery? Write your politicians and let them know that the draft boards should be destroyed outright, not expanded.

Advertisement recruiting draft board workers
Article (requires commercial view)"

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NH Men's Commission Holds First Public Meeting

I attended the first official meeting of the NH Commission on the Status of Men last Friday, and the following two articles described the event pretty well. The purpose of the first meeting was to obtain some input from the public on issues that the commission should address, and father's issues were overwhelmingly represented by the public testimony. DV against men and the lack of services for them was also a topic discussed. Overall, the commission members were very supportive and didn't flinch during some of the strongly-worded accusations of bias that were made by the divorced fathers. Foster's has a good article here, and the Concord Monitor has a another one here.

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Domestic Violence

Ray writes "Friends: Here is a great article, written by a retired cop, about domestic violence. This article was a great read, because it backs up everything it says with hard facts, supported by statistics.
It's too bad for men that the truth about domestic violence doesn't play well on talk shows, or Presidential podiums!"

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Calling Ca members

Jen writes "Here is a chance to meet face to face with Huffington. If I wasn't 3000 miles away I would go myself."

Anyone want to go ask the tough questions?

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Women have a better time when men are left behind

Anonymous User writes "Here is a benign article with a harmful headline. The headline was prominently positioned on the Boston Globe's homepage and it read "Women have a better time when men are left behind."

The problem with this type of headline is that it creates the idea for women that a lot of other women leave their men behind while traveling, whether this is true or not. It seems to be a self fulfilling prophecy. Tell women this is the thing to do, and like in fashion, other women will sheepishly start doing it, and another anti-male industry will result. Of course feminists like the idea of shipping snobby self-entitled western women over the entire world to help spread their hate agenda too."

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Spiderman goes to the Tower in London

Raymond Cuttill writes "The November Men's Hour page is up. It will be added to.

Spiderman ascended a high crane near the Tower Bridge in London, on Friday. Spiderman is protesting that he is legally entitled to see his child, but his ex-wife does not allow him and the courts do nothing about it.
This afternoon lots of police and a mobile work platform arrived. They may be planning something.
There are photos and a video at Blog or Men’s Hour"

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12 yr girl gives 14 yr old boy oral sex, boy charged

Anonymous User writes "A 12 yr old girl gave a 14 yr old boy oral sex during a science class at Robert T. Hill Middle School. What I find really alarming is that the police have filed a sexual assault charge against only the boy. There is no mention that the girl was forced to perform on the oral sex on the boy and the age of consent in Texas is 17 (source: Age of Consent). It sounds like sexism is at work again."

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The Fix is In.

JohnC. writes "No man can count on justice in family court, argues an angry professor.
'by Stephen Baskerville'

"Debtors' prisons were theoretically abolished long ago, but this does not stop family court judges from using the bench to shake down fathers who have done nothing wrong and funnel everything they have into the pockets of the court's cronies. In fact the looting and criminal-ization of fathers like Ken Gallahan is now routine in divorce courts."
The Fix is In"

A great article, though I do think he understates the problem by leaving out that women are conditioned to feel entitled to have any excuse for making their lives better in the name of "rights" treated as sacred truths no matter how much it interferes in the basic rights of men, the defense of which is seen as evil. - Hombre

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Title IX Suit Against OU Women's Outreach Center

Michael P. Wright writes "I'm writing to ask readers to support the idea of a Title IX lawsuit against the University of Oklahoma to seek an order requiring that they either establish a Men's Outreach Center with a level of funding equal to its Women's Outreach Center, or abolish the WOC.

I think abolishing the WOC would be the better outcome. It seems to be not much more than a propaganda center for advancing the ideological agenda of orthodox feminism (what some critics call "gender feminism"). See this newspaper column by WOC staff member Kristen Bain, who admires Andrea Dworkin: /04/3dc5eb632549c?in_archive=1"

I tend to think establishing a MOC would be the prefered choice. One less feminist indoctrination camp wouldn't mean a whole lot right now, but a college center presenting the masculist side of things could have a signifigant impact. - Hombre

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Politicians reach out to "NASCAR dads"

A.J. writes "Did I read this right? Are politicians actually concerned about the male vote? They do according to this article.
A quote “These are the NASCAR dads. They're replacing the soccer moms of yesteryear.” I don’t remember ever seeing another article about politicians courting the male vote. Unfortunately they seem to be avoiding the core issues of manhood that so many of us are deeply concerned about, like losing kids, imprisonment for losing a job, etc. The article is clear that the demographic they’re seeking is the long term married male. Nonetheless, I think this is extremely positive. Eventually antimale policies will have to be addressed. s.html"

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UNICEF Devolves

This Christmas, instead of buying the high-priced UNICEF cards, you might want to help children with a donation to Christian Children's Fund instead. Douglas Sylvia, (who unfortunately confuses feminism for the entirety of left-wing political thought), explains why here.

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How To Kidnap A Child

JohnC. writes "How To Kidnap A Child
by Stephen Baskerville, PhD
Congratulations! You have embarked on a great adventure. Kidnapping a child is probably unlike anything you have done before. If you are a first-time kidnapper you may be hesitant; perhaps you have lingering scruples. It is true you will probably do irreparable harm to your own child. Children of divorce more often become involved in drugs, alcohol, and crime, become pregnant as teenagers, perform poorly in school, join gangs, and commit suicide.
Article Here"

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Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover ....

CrimsonArrow writes "Sure, "Divorce War!: 50 Strategies Every Woman Needs to Know to Win" has seen seven years in printing. But try reading a few reviews from these two links: [1] [2]" Ack, If women in general want to suffer a future world of hurt, they're going the "right" way about it. *sighs* Like my dad used to say: god bless us and save us.

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Anyone See "ER" on October 30th?

The Gonzo Kid writes "Here's the episode guide, episode is titled "Out of Africa." It seems that a mother going through a divorce has her kids out, and is drunk, dropping one and fracturing his skull. Social Services is called, and emergency custody given to the father. She then torches herself in her SUV. What is bizarre is that (1) great angst is expressed over calling CPS, (2) Great sympathy is shown the woman, (3) Of course, ex-hubby is made as much a monster as possible, and finally (4) the litany of excuses is recited. I had the occasion to be watching this in my local tavern, towards the end some pheminist gasbag commented on "What a tragedy" it was - I looked her dead in the eyes and asked for all to hear, "Happens to men every day, chicky. Why is it suddenly a tragedy now?" LOL - you should have seen her eyes bug out and get the fishy face!! (For the ignorant: Fishy face is when your mouth opens and shuts and no sound comes out - like fish do in a tank.)"

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Comparing Feminism to Fascism

Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler
(Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each: (Personally I feel he left out Stalinism. Perhaps on purpose. ) So what I have done is added Feminism to the mold to see how it stands up. Read here and Enjoy.

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