
Matt writes "Got an email from careerbuilder.com advertising a WomenForHire (www.womenforhire.com) event in the DC area. Immediately my blood pressure went up. Do they do MenForHire conferences? No.

Calls to their office at (212) 580-6100 nets one a less-than-ideal response. Comments, they say, are taken via e-mail at jami@womenforhire.com.

Let them know what you think of their sexist ways. Would "MenForHire" or "WhitesForHire" stand a chance of going unchallenged? Why let this go unchallenged?"

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We are looking for 50 good men and women

Are you tired of seeing good men shot down by bad laws and bad courts? Are you tired of the feminist propaganda being the status quo?

If you are please join us and take a stand at the href="http://www.mensrights2004.com"> Men's Rights Congress this

June 18-19 in Washington DC. If these issues are important to you please

drop what you are doing and join us. We need you to be there. Our goal is to

gather a sizable number of men and women to make a strong statement that our

issues deserve to be addressed. We have a goal of registering at least 50

people by May 15th. If you are planning to come, as many of you are,

please sign up now. In the event that we don't get a good turnout we

will likely cancel the event so href="http://www.mensrights2004.com/reg.php3">please sign up now.
All too often men's

events such as this are under-attended and we are determined not to let that

happen for this event. Join us! Take a stand at the U.S. Capitol on

Capitol Hill. Be there.

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Bumbling Dad Ads

MB-Chicago writes "Clueless Dads

Search: Bumbling Dad Ads

Ads have found new fall guys to sell products

By Theresa Howard, USA TODAY

Clueless men and bumbling dads have been the laughing stock of Madison Avenue lately. With political correctness putting an ever-increasing portion of the population off limits for humorous situations, advertisers are increasingly casting straight males as folks who can't cook, drive or watch the kids without making a mess of it."

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Domestic Abuse Helpline For Men Fundraiser

Luek writes "No Excuse For Abuse

The Domestic Abuse Helpline For Men is having a fundraiser of $20,000 dollars to purchase more space to carryout the ever growing number of cases of domestic abuse against men that are coming its way. So far as I can tell there has been a whooping $2,000 raised for this noble effort! Have all the men and women who visit this site sent in a contribution? You can donate by Paypal on site. I have!

The call volume to our toll free 24x7 helpline has quadrupled in the over three years we have been in existence.
For over three years we have worked out of a small home office responding to callers from all across the U.S. 24 hours a day, developing trainings, mailing requested materials, and setting up annual educational conferences on male victimization etc. Now is the time to start expanding our services and capabilities! There is a building for sale nearby that has just the space we need to accommodate offices for our volunteer staff and a larger room to hold trainings, support groups and other meetings."

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Grown men need to grow up apparently

Jim writes "This article from the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. examines the reasons why so many men are apparently still living with their parents well into their 30's and 40's. I thought this would be an objective look into an interesting subject, but it soon becomes obvious after a few paragraphs that this is not an even-handed article. Who agrees?"

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AP: Women and children only may leave Fallujah

mens_issues writes "The following AP article speaks volumes about the expendability of civilian men in Fallujah, Iraq:
“A stream of hundreds of cars carrying women, children and elderly headed out of the city after Marines announced they would be allowed to leave. Families pleaded to be allowed to take out men, and when Marines refused, some entire families turned back.”
In fairness to the Marines, almost all of those killed in Iraq have also been men as well - Steve"

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More 'Oddly Enough' on Yahoo's news site

Matt writes "Article.

Of course if she had been a he... we all know that he'd be in jail and get fined!

Maybe we ought to start an e-mail write-in campaign to Yahoo re its sexist 2x-standard placement of when-she-was-bad stories in the "Oddly Enough" section vs. placing the when-he-was-bad stories right up on the front page. Any takers?"

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New legislation announced today

Ray writes "'California State Senator Bill Morrow (R-Oceanside) today announced he is authoring Senate Bill 1335, a legislative “Academic Bill of Rights” designed to protect students and promote learning in California’s public universities and colleges.

Senate Bill 1335 would implement several affirmative principles that protect the academic freedom of students and faculty. The legislation would direct the California State University system and California Community Colleges to adopt the safeguards. SB 1335 would recommend voluntary adoption by the Board of Regents of the more autonomous University of California system. The principles include:

(partial list)

### Faculty shall expose students to the spectrum of significant scholarly viewpoints on the subjects examined in their courses and not use the courses as platforms for the purpose of ideological, religious or anti-religious indoctrination.

### Selection of visiting speakers, allocation of speaker program funds, and related activities shall observe the principles of academic freedom and intellectual pluralism."

"The only question I asked Sen. Morrow was, "How will this legislation affect the historically biased veiwpoint that women's studies programs have historically presented concerning all "men?" I await his reply.

If you live in California I urge you to write and call Senator Morrow in support of this legislation at:

Senator Bill Morrow -
State Capitol, Room 4048 -
Sacramento, CA 95814 -
Phone: (916) 445-3731 - or email: Senator.Morrow@sen.ca.gov

If this submission is posted I will post more of this bills points from the email sent to me. I have been unable to find a link to this bills contents."

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Again With The "Strange News"

CPM writes "Here we go again... Anything a female does wrong is automatically considered "Strange News". Fifteen months for buying beer? Right! Sounds to me like she got a sweetheart deal for a perverted little fetish of getting naked in front of young boys.

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway. Switch the genders. I know she did not admit to, nor was she convicted of, the stripping thing. But substitute a man in her position buying beer for young girls. For one thing, it would be called "plieing them with alcohol" rather than just "buying beer". And only 15 months, sure...."

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Sacks Condemns CA Senate Assault on Fathers

Anon User writes "In the LaMusga move-away case, the California Supreme Court is currently debating how to best preserve the bonds between children and their parents after a divorce. By contrast, Senate President Pro Tem John Burton (D-San Francisco) is trying to slip a bill through the legislature to make it easier for custodial parents to sever these bonds by slipping out of town."
See Glenn's article on the bill here"\I>

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Domestic violence propaganda in California

Severin writes "This article discusses a group called WEAVE (Women Escaping a Violent Environment) based out of Sacramento, CA. It would appear that this group is promoting a very one-sided picture of domestic violence and is doing it in the public schools in front of, as the author of the article states, "a captive audience of students." A read of their website is also rather enlightening, and frustrating. I intend to write them, directing them to some appropriate alternative viewpoints. Anyone else want in on this?"

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Justice Denied to Abused & Murdered Boys

Ray Blumhorst writes "A Texas woman who brutally battered two of her young sons to death with rocks in a barbaric act of domestic violence was found not guilty by reason of insanity: Rock kills boys - Female "not guilty" A third son was left badly damaged. It was revealed that "hearing voices" was one of the criteria she met for insanity. Isn't it an ironic coincidence that women's voices, pleading for lenient sentencing, are more frequently "heard" by our courts than male voices pleading for justice. It appears no one in that court "heard" the cries of those three little boys."

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Misandric Dairy Queen commercial

mens_issues writes "Shortly after the misandric Capital One commercial, I also saw the last part of a misandric Dairy Queen commercial in which a toddler head butts and kicks his dad in the groin because dad didn't share his food.

To complain about this commercial to Dairy Queen, please go to:



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Man fighting for equal rights.

CJ writes "In this article

Christian Tompras can't get a seat on Chesterfield Township Republican Committee because he's a man. This married 43-year-old Saint Louis University law student plans to sue, alleging that Missouri's committeeman/committeewoman setup violates federal and state anti-discrimination laws. His papers were rejected because state law mandates that only a woman can run for this post. Once again the Associated Press (AP) and the Boston Globe have relegated government sanctioned sexism against men as an "Odds and Ends" news report, whereas if this were to happen to a woman it would be all over the media.. Hasn't society suffered enough due to feminist inspired lawsuits that simply hint of sexism, yet our own government and the same feminists that created these very same types of lawsuits support overt sexism against men? Lets get behind this one…"

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The time for revolution is now!

CJ writes "
Stephen Baskerville has compiled the most accurate assessment of the anti-father police state machinery. This article clearly exposes the horrendously misandric governmental controls that has been spawned by the relentless machinations of feminism and right wing criminology on fathers. "Virtually every major social pathology has been linked to fatherless children: violent crime, drug and alcohol abuse, truancy, unwed pregnancy, suicide, and psychological disorders—all correlating more strongly with fatherlessness than with any other single factor. Tragically, however, government policies intended to deal with the “fatherhood crisis” have been ineffective at best because the root cause is not child abandonment by fathers but policies that give mothers an incentive to initiate marital separation and divorce." Forward this article to everyone you know!"

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