9news.com: Boys lagging behind in reading

mens_issues writes "Denver’s 9news.com posted a story about the reading gap between boys and girls in Colorado schools. At least this issue received some attention this time.

An excerpt from the story:

"Educators are scrambling to find books that appeal to third-grade boys after statewide scores released Monday show they consistently lag behind girls on reading tests. ... The results showed 77 percent of girls tested proficient and advanced, compared with 70 percent of the boys."

The story is here:

http://9news.com/acm_news.aspx?OSGNAME=KUSA&IKOBJE CTID=4b839e04-0abe-421a-01d8-f8efb06b2c46&TEMPLATE ID=0c76dce6-ac1f-02d8-0047-c589c01ca7bf


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Need a Maid? Article drips with misandry and classism

MSN, not content to hate men and blame *us* for the rise in divorce as this article does, now is also adopting snooty classist tendencies. Only, they peddle them in a softer, less elitist way. Take not my word for it, read up and barf on it for yourself.

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Taron James, Paternity Fraud Victim & Gulf War vet

Marc writes "The following detailed story of the paternity fraud case of Taron James, a Navyman, Gulf War veteran, and NCFM-LA member, appears on the front page of the 5/3/04 issue of the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals, the official newspapers of the city and county of Los Angeles and San Francisco and the largest legal newspapers in California. (The Monday issue comes out on Saturdays.) It has a big photo of Taron on the front page wearing his military medals, and a statement that he is suing L.A. County. The story broke as a result of an NCFM-LA news release that also resulted in a short NBC4.TV story at www.nbc4.tv/news/2891653/detail.html. There is no link because it's subscription only. It could be harder-hitting and it has errors but it's a good eye-opener especially considering the caliber of the paper and its circulation.


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Female soldier gets in on the fun

CPM writes "http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,118627,00.html

To the extent that these guys are guilty of being terrorists, I really don't give a $hit what happens to them. But, just look at the delight on her face. I think these soldiers should be disciplined for this but somehow I think that the fact that a female is involved will not find its way into the history books. Also, yeah I know their giblets were blurred out but there is no way in hell a photo of naked female prisoners in this type of situation would be shown on mainstream news TV(these same pictures were just shown on FOX a few minutes ago) like this, as if they would even TAKE female prisoners - you know all that "women and children" crap!"

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Father with custody forced to pay child support

OldManSenile writes " Heres one to boggle your mind here,
Isn't child support for the children? I think some judges were smoking something."

This is why it should really be called mommy support.

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Jared commercials disdain men

mens_issues writes "There are at least two Jared commercials in which the men who buy their wives Jared jewelry receive the incredulous response "He went to Jared!" while the men that don't are treated with disdain by their wives. One of these men gets a cold look from his wife, while in another commercial the "offending" husband has a piece of "non-Jared" jewelry dropped in his drink.

You can let Jared know what you think of their commercials at here.


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Landmark child custody ruling

Doctor Damage writes "It seems that every time I turn around, I am seeing hopeful signs of a change in the wind. A landmark ruling by the California Supreme Court upheld a decision by a lower court to transfer custody to the father if the childrens mother chose to move out of state. Even more hopeful in my opinion, are these words from NOW:

"The National Organization for Women said the decision "binds the lives of many women and men, for that matter, who are trying to provide safety and economic opportunity for their families."

Setting aside the blatant attempt to portray moveaway moms as abused waifs fleeing from the depredations of slavering males, if even the NOW is beginning to recognise that it takes more than weeping over the hardships of women to move public and/or official opinion, then perhaps our work has not been in vain."

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Forced labor for child support

CJ writes "Here is a glimpse into one of the many different directions that feminism is going in today. Granted this is just an op-ed piece, but do not think for one moment that things are not already heading this way: Any time a court ordered child support parent (read father) loses a job, quits one, or even gets laid off, this person would automatically be put into a government run - forced labor program to collect child support. If a person is forced into jail because they can not meet the court ordered payment level, the same program would exist for these poor convicts. Can you imagine what type of people would run this forced labor program? "1984" was different in what way?


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UNH Take Back the Night Event Evokes Anti-Male Sentiment

Today's front page story in the University of New Hampshire's school newspaper demonstrates a rise in anti-male feminism on campus. This year's rape awareness march, Take Back the Night, which has traditionally welcomed the participation of campus fraternities, was this time an exhibit of anti-male hatred and fraternity bashing. Members of the Feminist Action League protested the participation of men with a large banner reading, "We Don't Negotiate With Terrorists," equating fraternities with terrorist organizations. Two members of the FAL were quoted extensively in the article but their names were anonymized due to concerns over their safety. Apparently there were no concerns about holding these individuals accountable for the sweeping statements they made about fraternity members such as "We need to stop coddling the perpetrators." There are a few additional photos of the event on the NH Independent Media Center: one, two, three, four.

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Only men can stop domestic violence?

CJ writes "485 men living North of Boston have taken a pledge to effect change on other men though “attitude” — by stating the need for men to stop abusing women and children and then taking this attitude into places of work. These men are part of HAWC - which has billboards stating that they “Make Domestic Violence their BUSINESS” all over the Boston area. HAWC has Clear Channel sponsoring anti-male billboards on every major route North of Boston, every month. HAWC has put posters in just about every store front including state run facilities (even motor vehicle registry) with their anti-male DV propaganda. The state has placed actual road signs along all major roads entering many communities that read “you are entering a domestic free Zone.” May 2nd there will be a major DV walk. Bumper stickers that state “Strong men don’t bully” are all over Northern Boston area. If you look at the websites, it is easy to tell that this activism is blown out of proportion. This shelter has room for 6 people, yet the amount of presence HAWC has in many communities can not even closely be matched by any business. HAWC is perpetuating a sexist one sided feminist model on a complex sociological problem. HAWC would label and prosecute you as an abuser if you have ever “disregarded your wives thoughts.” At the same time, HAWC wants all women to study martial arts. Any ideas about doing some activism on HAWC’s Walk day? This organization is out of control.

12 things and
Men for Hawc"

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Remember Gary Dotson?

Luek writes "Here is a blast from the past about a man who was convicted of rape and was tortured by the state for 8 years before the false accuser recanted. Even after she told the truth Gary Dotson still was not released from prison by the sadistic state!"

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April NH Men's Commission Reporting

Foster's Daily Democrat printed this article about the April meeting of the NH Commission on the Status of Men. One of the noteworthy eye-openers of the meeting was testimony by Lee Newman of VIP/SAFE-NH, who explained that the NH Coalition Against Domestic Violence refuses to designate "grantee status" to his program because he works predominantly with male victims. The Commission continues to make headway in research on male suicide in NH, but little else appears to be in the works. Only two of the seven Commissioners showed up at April's meeting, which also hindered progress since a quorum was not present.

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Trident commercial revisited

mens_issues writes "Sometime last year someone posted here about a Trident ad called “The Fifth Dentist” featuring a squirrel biting the testicles of a man.

To view (and rate) the commercial online), please go to:


You can now go to the Trident website to email your contempt for their advertising practices at this


Select the "Contact Us" option at the top of the page to do so.

Note: Last year Trident's "Contact Us" feature did not work.


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How to cash in on your divorce?

Philalethes writes "This guy found his ex-wife's wedding dress in the attic ('she took the $4000 engagement ring but left the dress') and put it up on eBay, hoping to recoup the $1200 it cost him when 'my drunken sot of an ex-father-in-law swore up and down he would pay for but didn’t so I got stuck with the bill. Luckily I only got stuck with his daughter for 5 years. Thank the Lord we didn't have kids. If they would have turned out like her or her family I would have slit my wrists.' Seems he hit a nerve; it's been forwarded around the 'Net (I heard about it from a friend's mailing list), and after six days the auction's had more than 4,800,000 hits (yes, that's four million eight hundred thousand -- 25,000 in the last four minutes), the bidding's over $15,000, and he's had a lot of emails, both negative and supportive. And media invitations. (The auction ends today, but the page should remain accessible for 90 days.) Looks like a possible new career for this guy."

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Men's Tribune

I think the regulars here will be interested in visiting the Men's Tribune and just recently, the site has been updated with E. Belfort Bax's book The Legal Subjection of Men and also his other book The Fraud of Feminism As they were written around the early 20th century, there are must reads.

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