Sons and Daughters Giving Praise To Dads

CrimsonArrow writes "Here is something positive that is worth cheering about. From the Rocky Mountain News: 'My Dad Is A Hero, 6 Winning Essays For Father's Day. Awesome. Special Extraordinary. Committed. A Super Hero.'

'My dad is a hero because he does so much for me and my brother. He cooks, he drives us around, he cleans and he makes sure our clothes are clean. When my brother and I are fighting, sad, or upset, he tries to fix it. What makes him the most special is that he does all of this without the help of a wife. He does this all by himself because my mom passed away four years ago. I'm thankful to have a dad to raise me after such a tragic event.'

Read the stories of kids celebrating their hero: Dad."

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Lunatics Setting Child Support Amounts

Luek writes "Here is yet another story of a man who has been turned into a financial slave by the lunatic family court system.

He has been ordered to pay 81% of his take home pay by some blacksheeted bastard that answers to the name of Peatross. He will probably go to prison for this and not being able to pay for braces for his kid's teeth!

It is stories like this that makes one wonder just why we are in Iraq fighting tyranny over there when there is plenty of tyranny here."

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Where is the switch ...

CrimsonArrow writes "... so we can turn Amy Alkon off?! A guy writes in a simple question at and proceeds to get blasted by a long winded femi-speech. Excerpt: 'Men want beautiful women. Women want men of status and power. Deal with it. This isn't some new phenomenon. Any man alive today is a beauty-grubber descended from a very, very long line of beauty-grubbers — stretching all the way back to the Pleistocene era. Likewise, modern women are hard-wired to be ''gold-diggers'' — descended from an equally long line of female ancestors who would have sold their hairy left knuckle to bear Joe Alpha's furry little children.'

I think it best that this guy take Bernard Chapin's advice from his articles, The Presumption Against Marriage parts [1] &

' ... with women, unless they’re without flaw, my advice is to ride the train for as long as you can, but let some other sucker pay for its maintenance and servicing, and always make sure you get off of the route before it reaches matrimonial terminal.'"

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16 y/o girl murders step-dad, mom planned it

zenpriest writes "A 16-year-old girl has pleaded guilty to murdering her stepfather and will testify against her mother, who is accused of plotting the killing."

Like0 Dislike0 Double bash headline special

mens_issues writes "Two of the three main "headlines" in today promulgate the wage-gap myth and insult fathers.

One is titled "Pay Snub: Why do most women earn less than men?"


The other is titled: "Daddy Knows Best? One father says he was accused of child abuse for taking his child off Ritalin."

and here

As a bonus, I got to see a pop-up ad from Honda with the caption “My husband was raised by wolves.” Sounds familiar.


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Good men come in all sizes and ages

Ray writes "I was stunned by this story, Boy Who Saved Girl in Pool Now on Life Support and didn't know quite what to make of it. The next time a gender feminist wants to stereotype all men and boys as violent or evil by saying, "What can males do to stop their violence against females," tell the bigot about this story, and ask her what she ever selflessly did to make the world a better place for "all" people."

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New women's prison in Britain

cosmo writes "In order to aid female prisoners' "state of mind", a new prison is opening in Britain that will offer TVs, baby rooms, and fitness centres. Sometimes I think that women would be less upset if we just didn't send them to prison in the first place! Article at: this link"

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The survey says for the english woman....

CrimsonArrow writes "Oh, crap! Another poll is taken from 2000 women living in the UK. The results? 'Eight out of 10 women surveyed (81%) said they wished they could change their lives, 67% felt like they were on a treadmill and were worn out, and 60% thought life was easier for men.' That is not all, folks. If you read on, it gets worse for these poor, girls ..."

Anon user also submitted this: "Over 2,000 women in the UK were interviewed for a study and the end result? Most women are very miserable in a post-feminist age. Among the study findings -- Six out of 10 women said they felt their work/life balance was the greatest obstacle to their happiness, while the emotion experienced on a daily basis by 56% of women was "frustration". More than half admitted their finances were "out of control", while six out of 10 found their social and sex lives "unfulfilling", 92% declared they were unhappy with their bodies, 60% felt "life was easier for men" and 66% of women wanted to "quit the rat race". Are women finally wake up to the failure of modern feminism?"

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Missing Men Underreported in Media

seattleshark writes "Find out more here. Very good article on the plight of the families of missing men, and how the media generally ignores them. Those of you that don't support foxnews should really take another look. Of the major media outlets, fox is the ONLY one that gives reasonably fair coverage."

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Men's Rights Congress next week! Here's the synopsis of issues

We are looking forward to seeing many of the posters from MANN next week at the Men's Rights Congress in Washington DC, June 18-19. We have a great group of nearly forty men and women who are registered and coming from 14 states and Great Britain. We expect more. Please sign up soon if you are planning to come. We need to make accurate estimates by next Wednesday for food for lunch on Saturday so let us know soon if you are coming! Join us!

We have written a brief synopsis of men's rights issues for the Congress. We would love your feedback on it. What would you add? What would you edit? Let us know. Click 'Read More / Post Comments' to see the synopsis.

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Pay Gap Reporting

Anonymous User writes "Here is an article from MSNBC


The studies say what we've been saying all along: women are more apt to leave the work force.

Of course, the article puts a VERY biased slant on the interpretation of these statistics, implying that the blame rests on employers who are not accomodating. Did it ever occur to them that men are under greater competative pressures to work, garner experience, and earn more money, hence why they are less apt to leave the work force? That women have choices to leave the work force that men don't have? That leaving the work force is a sign of lesser commitment to work, rather than a cause (because women are more able to find partners who are willing to financially support them)? Did it ever occur to them that this might be unpleasant for men?

I hear many women complaining about have to make choices regarding whether or not they wish to work. Funny, nobody ever asks me what I would choose. "Fully 96% of these prime-age women worked at least one of those 15 years." Gee, they make it sound like such an accomplishment. Sounds like a pretty low standard. I never grew up with the expectation that I would spend *any* number of years without working. That would be swell, though.

Must be nice to have the choice to relax and not stress out, then have everyone feel sorry for you once you do."

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Violent femme gets noticed under "Entertainment"

Not unlike men getting murdered by women showing up under "Oddly Enough", I have come to expect this sort of thing from Yahoo! News. The (in)famous Courtney Love, high on coke and who knows what else, attacks another woman with a deadly weapon, and it is reported as "Entertainment". You know, I can't help but think that if the victim were male, it would not even have made it into the paper much less get the attention of the law.

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Sexism is OK against men

CJ writes "Man can't fill woman's spot on county committees political party office."

Our broken judicial system sided with the motion to deny this man an opportunity: "The Supreme Court upheld that decision, saying a political party office was not the same as public office. As such, the court said it was not protected by a state constitutional provision stating that "no person shall be disqualified from holding office in this state because of sex." Anytime someone registers for office, be it political or public, and someone has to first see what they look like -- be it man, woman, black or white -- there's something wrong with that. Feminism - do as we say, not as we usual. This is an "Odds and Ends" piece. If the genders were reversed Dan Rather would be talking about it...

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Abusive women

Mangesh writes "This article is from Malaysia. Particularly good in the opening. It starts with some historical perspective on violent behavior by women - from Catherine II to Lynndie England. It also mentions that violence by wives against their husbands is quite common in Malyasia, but men don't report it because they are ashamed to admit what happened to them, and that women abuse children as much as (or maybe more than) men do. The later part is somewhat disappointing. It offers a number of explanations (excuses) for femal violent behavior.

It seems that the media in diffrent parts of the world has begun to report on violence by women and/or against men. Surly a good sign!


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John Kerry opens thread on mens issues

Betrayed in America writes "The wage gap brought MRA's to Kerry's "womens issues" thread. This opened the door to the report (not study) used to foster womens vote, by MRA's. A lot of debunking going on there. Also the MRA's injected some men's issues. . .to the point were a mens issue's thread was opened. Now I don't know if the thread was an attempt to derail the men on the wage gap or a genuine desire to here mens issues. Either way there is a public thread on a presidetial candidates site. It seems to be a good opportunity to get some issues into public debate. Please be courtious as they tend to ban people easily there. Beware there are a couple of seemingly feminist that are attempting to trivialize and deter the issues. Stay focused. . .have fun! One note: If the link doesn't work. . .the thread is listed under the topic of "womens issues" as "issues that concern men"."

Update: Betrayed in America writes "Its under "Civil rights for all Americans" now. Here's the


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