Dr. K's divorce

Kyo writes "Former Mets and Yankees pitcher Dwight Gooden and his wife are divorcing, and despite the fact that they *as a couple* have shown themselves unable to manage their assets, the judge seems to be setting his ex-wife up nicely, forcing Dwight to turn over close to 60% of his current salary as a Yankees advisor to her. It's not going to get any easier for Dwight to pay his wife $5,929 per month, is it?

Article here."

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Stress and the Super Dad

apetr writes "Interesting article, would like to hear other's thoughts on it. Here is the article."

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Old boys' clubs contribute to gender gap in IT?

Anonymous User writes "

This item from a recent Penn State newsletter mentions some "research" that has been done by the university regarding the "problem" of there being more men than women in the information technology field (of course, there is no "problem" that there are less men than women in the education field).

"Because only one in four IT jobs belongs to a woman, the researchers questioned how the combination of an Old Boys' Network and the male-dominated IT workplace affected women."

The conclusion of the "study" is that companies need to provide special social networking opportunities for women to solve this "problem".

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Biased article on move-aways

Anonymous User writes "The New York Times is such a s****y and biased paper. Here is a clearly biased article on move-aways. It belongs in the editorial section, not the news section. Nary a word is offered to point out that non-custodial dads are almost always just as good or better parents as their female counterparts. Thus, switching primary custody to the dad in case the mom moves away should most often be a clear and healthy alternative to allowing mom to uproot the child and move away."

More in the Read More section.

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Many Reservists Losing Civilian Jobs

Rand T. writes ""Benefits reduced. Promotions forgotten. Jobs gone. It's tough to find these conditions when returning home from the mean streets of Iraq, ready to resume your civilian career. Increasing numbers of National Guard and Reserve troops returning home are experiencing just such disappointment."

Article here."

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Book Review, Domestic Violence: The 12 Things you Aren't Supposed to Know

jadeforrest writes "Stop Abuse For Everyone speaker and board member Dr. Jack Turteltaub reviews Thomas James' Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know, a book that attempts to debunk a lot of the myths in the domestic violence community."

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A tide of violence

Davie_boy writes "This article in a Salt Lake City newspaper left me fuming.

Apparently, women just don't commit acts of domestic violence. This article speaks volumes about the media bias against men. I just wonder how, as Searle suggests at the end of the article, men are supposed to stop domestic violence when people are turning a blind eye to 1/2 of the problem. It's unfortunate that what will probably happen as DV advocates try to educate the public and local ecclesiastical leaders on the issue is that it will always be from a "woman is victim" position. Sadly, I think this approach will only add fuel to the fire."

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Blog Interrupted

I am posting this link regarding Jessica Cutler, aka The Capitol Hill Blogger. I will refrain from commenting ahead of time. I am more interested in others' thoughts and comments. Please post.

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The Sexually Manipulative Abuser

Anonymous User writes "The Sexually Manipulative Abuser

Vili Fualaau, the 21 year-old boy statutorily raped by Mary Kay Letourneau when he was 12 years old, was interviewed by Matt Lauer: here . He states that she destroyed his ability to have relationships with women close to his age. He has been emotionally troubled. He was unable to finish high school. There were two children, the first born when he was 13. Sadly, Vili is now asking to reestablish contact with Letourneau."

Another link and more commentary below.

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Day Care provider found innocent of murdering yet another child

It's hard to fault the jury in this case. After all, they weren't allowed to hear the testimony of those who had formerly been abused and injured in Dianne Scribner's care. Also, it appears from the article, (though it isn't entirely clear), that judge Timothy McManus didn't allow the prosecution to mention that this is the second time a child has died while in her care. Everything seems to be business as usual here, Mr. Scribner was the first prime suspect in spite of a rock solid alibi, the Star Tribune publishes the story with a very sympathetic tone for Mrs. Scribner, community members show her lots of support, and we can only hope that next time her history of abusing and murdering children is found admissable.

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Perhaps we should form a Men's Political Action Co

mens_issues writes "It occurred to me this week (Primaries) that the men's movement
might be able to form a Men's Political Action Committee (MPAC?)
along the lines of the Leauge of Women Voters and Emily's list.
What if the NCFM were to team up with, say, the fledgling League of
Men Voters to form such a MPAC. We could contact various political
parties (Republican, Democrat, Reform, Green, Libertarian and
Constitution) with a list of men's issues questions for their

More under Read Comments section.

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No More Than 6 Months In Jail For Woman Who Raped

Anonymous User writes "
"Tuifel was arrested in March 2002 after the boy came forward. Jury selection in the case began on Monday. The boy's family, however, had urged the prosecution to accept a plea from Tuifel, to spare the student from having to testify, prosecutor Joy Watson said." Article here."

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Father "abducts" his own child?

CJ writes "
Well the media went into "full alert" over this story. Here is a story about a father trying to keep his child while his wife was trying to get a restraining order against him, and he suffered injuries from her, yet he is the "kidnapper." The the police with full headline news coverage from the media in MA (both knowing that the father had the child anyway as cited in the police reports) enacted a state wide Amber Alert. Was this an alert for the safety of the child or an alert to citizens that men have no rights? The whole time the father had his own child, yet he is a criminal? There is a serious issue with the way the media covered this story. It seems that any tactic to make fathers/men look bad is the the goal. I bet this man - who is an immigrant- will suffer for this... Welcome to the U.S."

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Cable "Public Service" Announcement

Bledso writes "A website called ControlYourTV.com felt the need to explain to us how we can set up parental controls on our remote controls. Naturally, the best way to do this is to make a man look as impotent as possible, especially around his wife and daughter. This is the "Public Service" announcement. It's called "Debbie & Dad". here"

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Biological Referees

thatold55 writes "Here's a good article from the Christian Science Monitor on nontraditional custody issues. A couple of sections jumped out at me as I read it.

Click "Read More" for thatold55's observations.

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