Liza Minnelli Sued Over Sexual Harasment

Story here.

I know, I know, innocent until proven guilty. Indeed, he may be making the whole thing up just to get money. Then again, maybe not. Suppose she'll be given the benefit of the doubt because she's a she? I am betting so. We all know what happens in that regard when the sexes are reversed though don't we?

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Chemical castration for sex offenders in France

AngryMan writes "France introduces chemical castration for sex offenders - but only for male ones. Sweden and Germany already use it. Story here".

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Woman Reportedly Tortures 'Special Needs' Students

bandersnatch writes "A 48-year-old teacher in Seminole County, Fla., is accused of torturing her autistic students, including allegedly rubbing a child's face in vomit and slamming another child's head so hard that he lost his front teeth."

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29 Year Old Woman Arrested for Sex with 8 Year Old

amperro writes "How much longer will the feminists deny that this crime happens?

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Procreation Bans in Parole

The_Beedle writes "A month ago the Supreme Court of Ohio didn't overturned a lower court decision to prohibit the fathering of additional children by a father on probation for failure to pay his child support charges Fox News Reference. The Court of Ohio failed dodged the issue of whether such a restriction was legal in favor of overruling this particular case on the grounds that there was no provision for the man to pay up and then have more kids.

By way of comparison, People v. Pointer (California, 1984 available at, free registration required) the Supreme Court of California found that a similar prohibition for a female convicted of child abuse and neglect was too great an inhibition on her constitutional rights :

"[5d] The challenged condition was apparently not intended to serve any rehabilitative purpose but rather to protect the public by preventing injury to an unborn child. We believe this salutary purpose can adequately be served by alternative restrictions less subversive of appellant's fundamental right to procreate."

A similar ruling was handed down by the Supreme Court of California in 1992, People v. Zaring after a judge there ordered a mother of five and heroin/cocaine addict not to conceive as a term of her probation. The California Supreme Court overturned that, saying

"Recognizing that drug addiction could have an adverse impact on the unborn, we must conclude under the law that even if we were to assume arguendo that the safeguarding of the health of any yet to be conceived unborn child of appellant may properly be the subject of probation conditions, it is clear to us that other conditions, less drastic than an outright ban on pregnancy, could be used here to accomplish this objective, just as they could have been used in Pointer."

They also quoted similar rulings from Kansas, Ohio and Florida, all of which illustrates a clear double standard with respect to procreation. A woman's right to concieve is inviolate, despite convictions of child endangerment, child abuse, neglect or even kidnapping. A man's right to procreate is fair game for having incurred a bad debt."

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Sacks Launches New Campaign--Men, Take Action!

. writes "Radio talk show host Glenn Sacks has launched a new campaign--this time against an insulting Verizon DSL commercial. In the commercial a father is trying to help his young daughter with her homework when he is belittled and scolded by his wife, who orders him to 'leave her alone!' and go wash the dog. To view the ad and participate in the campaign, go to"

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Ejaculation may protect against cancer

AngryMan writes "A US scientific study finds that men who ejaculate frequently are less prone to prostate cancer: "Although much more research remains to be done, the take home message is that ejaculation is not harmful, and very probably protective of prostatic health - and it feels good!" There are implications for social attitudes towards male sexuality - the fact is, masturbation is good for you! Article here"

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Woman accused of severing man's penis

AngryMan writes "When a woman cuts off her partner's penis, it is not domestic violence, it is a joke, or a noble revolutionary act. But if a man was to cut his partner's genitalia while she slept, it would be a hate crime, a gross act of misogyny.
Story here"

Like0 Dislike0 features Geldof videos

Layton Bevan of contacted MANN administrators to let us know that a series of new web-based videos was available for viewing on their web site, featuring Bob Geldof advocating for father's rights. Please take a look and support their efforts!

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Glass ceiling not so urgent?

Linucs writes "From this press release:

BOSTON, MA (PRWEB) October 21, 2004 -- When asked what causes them the most stress in the office, the majority of the 2,000 members surveyed by the Downtown Women’s Club (DWC) -- a business networking organization for women -- ranked “too much work” well above the “glass ceiling.”

Looks like the "glass ceiling" is not regarded as the most important problem. But here comes the surprise:

What is surprising is the low ranking of stress about the glass ceiling and lack of equal pay. Especially when, for the first time in 12 years, we have seen an increase in the gender gap, with women make only 75.5 cents for every dollar that men earn, according to a release this summer by the U.S. Census Bureau. “It’s almost a Catch-22 where women are working too much to focus on the gender gap, and as a result are creating a situation where they’ll have to work even harder and longer for less money in the future,” concluded Danielson.

Now it looks like women work too much, therefore they cannot spare some time to complain about the gender gap (?)."

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Female Supremacists and Lesbian Separatists Agenda

Anonymous User writes "This is an excerpt of James Roger Brown's The Family Defense Manual. It's an eye opener where he describes how radical Feminists are trying to subvert males and normal nuclear marriage. One quote from the excerpt is an example of the information he uses to base his argument: "I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire."

I don't know if this has been posted before, but it is an eye opener."

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Another Gendercide?!

Jacob Kandlaker writes "Look:
Falluja emptied of women and children

Only women and children allowed to leave the city Falluja at
Iraq, so only men will die in cross-fire zone, even if they are
totaly unarmed and innocent! It's seems that when it's comes to
massive death of men, nobody care that men are dying like flies
and it's even doesn't get into the catagory of human rights
violation or war crime!

Where are all those so-called brave Feminist women who demand
equal rights?? They will fight for women's politictal representaion
in Afghanistan but mass death of many thousands of civilian males
it's "OK"!


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Equal numbers of men as women are assaulted

Steven Brown writes "This story claims that one in three assault victims treated at casualty departments in Wales, is there as the result of domestic violence. And of those, a quarter of the victims are men. Hardly an insignificant amount!

The article then goes on to say that an Israeli report suggests that there are equal numbers of men and women subject to domestic violence.

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Humor is dangerous to your health...?

Gilligan writes "Here's another one from the halls of Political Correctness. Timothy Garneau posted fliers in his dorm which suggested that some of the women in the dorm could lose weight by taking the stairs instead of using the elevators. His intent was to humourously suggest a way to relieve congestion, since many students were using the elevators to go up one or two floors, and he lived on the seventh floor. UNH's Judicial & Mediation Programs Office initially found Garneau responsible for harassment, disorderly conduct, violating affirmative action policies and lying. The Judicial Affairs Office at the university found Garneau guilty of all charges, sentenced him to immediate expulsion from student housing and put him on probation through May 30, 2006. He was also required to meet with a counselor to discuss his actions, write a 3,000-word reflection paper about the session and write a letter of apology to residents of Stokes Hall. Fortunately, he was able to fight the sentence with the help of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and has since moved back into campus housing. You can read the entire article here:


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A History Lesson

AngryMan writes "This BBC article says “The greatest Victorian serial killer wasn't Jack the Ripper, as you may think. It was a woman! In 1873…Mary Ann Cotton was hanged and it was believed she had murdered three husbands and 15 of her children! Mary Ann is forgotten while Jack the Ripper, who killed half the number of victims, is remembered. Strange.” More info here."

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