UK: Women MPs bullied in Commons!

Linucs writes "More news from UK: women get "bullied and abused" in Commons. "When scores of young female MPs arrived in the Commons in 1997, Labour's Claire Curtis-Thomas assumed the red ribbons tied to coat hangers were for Aids day, only to be told they were for members to hang up their swords. Another new MP, Yvette Cooper, found it hard to persuade Commons officials that she was an MP, not a researcher or secretary."

This is standard stuff - get this one: "But the research suggests that Britain's politics have been dramatically changed by the arrival of more female MPs." - say what? - "Commons' hours have been made more "family friendly", and childcare and domestic violence have become important concerns for parliament."

Maybe F4J didn't notice that the Commons have been made more FAMILY FRIENDLY? (makes you wonder...)"

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Batman will not face criminal charges

Anonymous User writes ""A Fathers 4 Justice campaigner who scaled Buckingham Palace dressed as Batman will not face criminal charges." here But who is this? "Speaking about Mr Hatch's case, Norman Brennan, director of the Victims of Crime Trust over here, said: "This man could have put the security of our monarchy at risk - that there are no laws which can be used to prosecute him is barmy.""

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Russia's Collapse Has Begun

The collapse faced by the developed world, as a result of the catastrophic fall in fertility rates, has begun in Russia. Each nation's collapse will have its own style. The US, for instance, may well maintain growth due to immigration, but the entire world economy will be dragged down due to extreme population aging and collapse in most developed (and then undeveloped) nations.

The causes are the destruction of the family and widescale use of birth control and abortion. In Russia, feminism's highest sacrament -- abortion -- is especially to blame. When we are in dire economic circumstances as a result of this, if you want to talk to one of the people who are most responsible for causing our collapse, look for a Women's Studies professor.

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Men are broken, need fixing....

... or so says Ms. Beverly McPhail in this op-ed. Masculinity is so closely tied to violence, she reasons, that it must be re-invented for the good of all, most especially men.

Well perhaps she's right in a few senses-- men do suffer greatly from violence as being expected of them and as the targets of violence most of the time. But she utterly ignores the many acts of violence committed by women to pace those of men if not exceed them. More of the same, folks-- men are violent, women are not, men broken and inferior, women the model in all things and superior. More of the same.

The Houston Chronicle's summary of who she is is a bit lacking. Apparently she's more than a writer; she appears also to be a teacher of WST courses at the U of Houston as well; see here. The Chronicle's editor can be reached at

Ms. McPhail can be reached at

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Female Pedophile Teacher Abuses and "Weds" 14 YO

bandersnatch writes "In this article it is mentioned that a teacher and a 14-year-old former female student whom she is accused of sexually assaulting participated in witchcraft together and even "wed" in a pagan ritual. Call me cynical but I suspect this case may result in more sympathy and a harsh sentence then previously female teacher abuse cases only because the victim is only a female."

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Sermon text: "Living Under Fascism"

Read this and thought it was thought-provoking material. I am sure it will likely generate some discussion here on MANN. :)

Click "Read More..."

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News from Italy: First father's shelter, C/S Injustice

Linucs writes "If you do not speak Italian, good! You will not be able to fully understand these two very painful news items. First: if you are a divorced father, earn less than 650 euros/month, and have to pay for child support, do not have DV precedents, you're lucky: you may access the first father shelter! The article even suggests that these fathers will feel kind of younger, because - you see - it's like a college dorm. Second: a court of appeal just decided that a father has to pay child support for his two daughers. Too bad his daughters have 34 and 32 years: the court said that there's no age limit to "child" support, and he has to pay until his daughters get a job and become "independent". Now fathers have to "demonstrate" that the "children" willingly avoid working. (hey - I told you it was painful)"

Ed's note: You can use the "Translate a Web Page" facility at to translate these articles from Italian to English.

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Blunkett seeks child access

AngryMan writes "If Secretary Blunkett has to go to court to get access to his child, maybe he will have some sympathy for the father's rights cause. Let's hope so. Story here"

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Pay closer attention: Boys are struggling

bro writes "Here "Boys are doing miserably, and nobody knows quite why. On measures ranging from writing ability to the likelihood of needing special education, boys are flat-lining - or worse."

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The Pinky Defense?

We've definitely made progress, when the sexual molestation of a child by a woman is called rape, as is the sexual molestation of a child by a man. It will be interesting, though, to watch the progress of this case. Will defense attorneys succeed in having Debra LaFave acquitted on the basis of insanity partly because of her cutesy talk involving a "pinky promise?"

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Verizon's "Homework Ad" Pulled Off the Air

Congratulations to Glenn Sacks and to all of us who participated in the campaign to end the now-infamous "homework ad" that Verizon was airing! They have informed Glenn that they are no longer going to air it. Story here.

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"It's Still a Man's World on the Idiot Box"

Clancy writes "From Maureen Dowd of the NYT

"I honestly thought, eight or nine years ago, that when we left," Mr. Brokaw said, referring to himself, Peter and Dan Rather, "that it would be the end of white male anchor time."

Nah. Those guys are hard to kill off. Indeed, white men are ascendant in Red State America.

As my mom said, discussing her belief that Martha Stewart had been railroaded by jealous men, "If men could figure out how to have babies, they'd get rid of us altogether."

Article here"

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More on the AIDS being a disaster for women story

Steven Brown writes "So all along we've believed that AIDS is a disaster for all people. But now it seems it's only catastrophic for women:


"...a generation of African girls is standing on the frontline of the carnage...."


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Orbital trouble for women!

Linucs writes "According to CNN, there's a new mighty tool in the hands of abusive men: satellite imagery. Don't believe it? "Cindy Cowan, the director of a Toronto shelter for battered women, echoed Rastogi's concerns, saying the technology could put women at greater risk of abuse. "Already the Internet has become a place where women are stalked, so to give another tool to abusive men motivated to find and track and stalk -- it frightens me," she said." Gone are the days when the simple minded "abusive male stalker" just stalked around pointlessly: now they will spend countless hours chasing their potential victims from the sky. Is this getting ridiculous or what? Will abusive males eventually team up with alien abductors? Makes you wonder..."

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Another Falsely Accused Man Freed

After spending 14 years in prison as a child molestor, James Bernard Parker has been freed. His accusers admitted that he hadn't committed the alleged crimes or that the crimes had, in fact, never occurred. Note, however, that the article still refers to the false accusers as "victims." Who is the true victim, and who are the true criminals?

The article also states that "Police found no physical evidence (of the alleged molestations), even though children told stories of being tied to trees and fed poisoned ice cream. They also gave a wide range of descriptions of their attacker." In addition, "The Charlotte Observer ran stories in 2002 in which 15 reported victims and witnesses said the crimes never happened or that Parker wasn't the attacker."

2002... It's damned difficult for a man to prove his innocence in the US of A.

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