NY divorce law: unfair - and just?

Clancy writes "In this editorial, Susan Cheever makes some outlandish assertions. She obviously did no homework whatsoever but instead chose to get her statistics right out of her a--."

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Domestic Violence at a Wedding

Anonymous User writes "Here's an interesting article. Why was the wife not charged with battery for having hit him over the head with an ash tray? If the injuries to his head could have caused him to react in a violent and confused manner towards others subsequently, could she not be held responsible for the entire episode?"

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9news.com (Denver): Women "inappropriately" arrested

mens_issues writes "Here we go again with the second part of 9news.com's report on
domestic violence. They have a hard time understanding that it's a
two way street.

Here is
the story


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Women Lie !@@!?

frank h writes "I realize this article is nothing more than restating the obvious, but there you go..."

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CBS 60 Minutes: 5,500 MEN have deserted the U. S.

mens_issues writes "Tonight’s 60 Minutes (CBS) episode concerned 5,500 MEN
deserting the military during the war in Iraq. It's interesting
that the media always talks about over 100,000 MEN and WOMEN
fighting in Iraq, but when it comes to soldiers deserting the
military for Canada every last one of them is a man.

Here’s the story:


Let CBS know how you feel about this sexism by writing them at:


Click on "Feedback" at the bottom of the home page.


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The National Men's Council of Ireland

Harry Rea writes "Parental Rights in Ireland, November 2004

An Analysis - National Men's Council of Ireland - how do we compare to Australia?

This extraordinary analysis of parental rights in Ireland in 2004 is of extreme public interest especially at this point in time when the Government have asked for a Review to be conducted into the position of the Family in Irish society.

We believe it is of vital importance that parents know where they stand in Law in relation to their right to protect and nurture their children."

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interactiveDAD.com Online Dad Magazine

Anonymous User writes "Check out this new magazine just for dads. GREAT original articles and resources. Kicks FQ's butt!

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The BBC showing their true colours

Anonymous User writes "Today's headlines:
Women 'bearing the brunt of war' here

Egypt feminist in presidency bid
over here

Women cleverer than men, says MP
right here"

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Child Support - But NO Child

warble writes "In another indication of how corrupt and biased against males the child support system is we find that a male is forced to pay $20,000 in child support before the court listened and determined there was no child. Heeeellllllooooo! Mandatory DNA testing anyone?
Funny how the news media thinks this stuff is rare. What exactly do they think is happening with the current widespread paternity fraud against males and children? Where there is paternity fraud THERE IS NO CHILD! Yet if the woman can produce ANY child, even another mans child, then it is assumed that there is a child and that the man should be screwed to the wall.

Finally, what really burns me is that if a male were to kidnap the pseudo child in question, the authorities would issue an Amber alert, arrest the male on kidnapping charges, and throw away the key. But nooooo! This kidnapper is a woman; special priviledge and laws apply because she is assumed superior to a male.
Therefore, the DA feels that kidnapping charges do not apply. Note how the actual child’s mother exclaims she, '... couldn’t keep up and lost them both. I thought I was never going to see my baby girl again ... It’s the scariest thing. Anything could happen.'
Well DUUUUUGH! Yea. I'd say so! 'Anything' did happen. The child was in fact kidnapped for at least an hour if not more."

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Boys Struggle at School because Women are Cleverer

AngryMan writes "London: A male Labour MP has stated that boys' academic performance is no cause for concern. It is because women are cleverer than men, and this is a cause for celebration. He is stooping very low to attract extra votes. Story here"

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Sprewell suspended for verbal abuse at a woman

frank h writes "In this article, it seems that a female fan was verbally assaulted by Latrell Sprewell, and because it was a female fan, Sprewell received a harsher than usual penalty. Read for yourself..."

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Call to Join NCP Class Action Case As Plaintiff

Posted on behalf of Harold Leist. One need only be an NCP but you do not need to be a Virginia resident even though it is a Virginia case.

"We must all hang together or assuredly we will all hang seperately." -- Ben Franklin

Please click "Read more..." to read Harold's request.

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Woman Runs Over Boys

Kingsley G. Morse Jr. writes "This is what boys are up against.
A forty seven year old woman ran over two boys after they accidentally hit her SUV with the golf ball they were bouncing in a parking lot.
Then she calmly smoked a cigarette and watched her victims lie there.
Is it any wonder that todays boys are struggling? Click here."

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Over-50 Divorce Rate Soars


"Over the past five years the divorce rate among over-fifties has risen by 8.7%... Generous divorce settlements and the right of a wife to claim part of her husband’s pension are fuelling the rise." You can read the rest here.

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Massachusetts Reforming Misandric Judiciary?

Luek writes ""As a result, when a father walks into Family Court, he is the only one in the courtroom without immunity to commit perjury and fraud,"

The quote from the article above indicates that the state of Massachusetts may be waking up from its comatose sleep induced by the feminazi sirens song of perpetual female victimhood.
Well, let's hope so because when it comes to the legal status and standing of 50% of the states population (MEN!) there is no place to go but up."

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