N.O.W. on the Post Series

Roy writes "The N.O.W. site has posted their typical P.C. feminazi take on the recent three-part series in the Washington Post on pregnancy and homicide.

Note all the usual feminist deceptions ... omit critical information, selectively quote the so-called research, ignore voluminous rebuttals and even the Post's own admission that the articles were poorly written, and finally, lay the groundwork for yet another DV myth and the necessary hysteria.

It's the usual standard of integrity we've come to expect from the Stalinist sisterhood, though one might agree with N.O.W.’s concluding statement – "It's not too late to save the next victim..." .. OF FEMINIST LIES!

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Girl Not Prosectuted in Illegal Abortion

Garth writes "Two teens, a mother and father to be, decide to end a pregnancy using the do-it-yourself method. Guess who gets arrested?"

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More statistics: Violent kids and the military

Linucs writes "Straight from the Military.com: "The Josephson Institute of Ethics, after conducting a national survey, found that “43 percent of high school and 37 percent of middle school boys believe it is ok to hit or threaten a person that makes them angry.” The same survey found that “75 percent of all boys and over 60 percent of all teenage girls said they hit someone in the last 12 months because they were angry.” These are the same students that are recruited into the Army. Think these anger issues are resolved before they enter the military? Think they won’t be a problem in the future? Think again." At last, we found the other half of violence..."

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"True Love"

Interesting page on the NYTimes.com site. A reporter interviewed a number of scientific persons regarding decidedly non-scientific topics via the question "What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?" and came up with some fascinating replies. The last one in particular was quite noteworthy. Click the "Read more..." link for it.

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Too smart to be a wife?

Tirryb writes "News.com.au reports here that a recent study has found that intelligent women are less likely to be married than less intelligent ones. All through the article, this is blamed on men - men are intimidated by intelligent women, men prefer 'the little woman' to stay at home and be like their mothers. It's all mens fault. Almost nothing is made of the opposite finding - that less intelligent men are far less likely to be married, and this certainly isn't blamed on women. Then right at the end, the quoted expert finally admits, "We find more women now are choosing not to have children or get married.". Hmm."

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One Doctor's Words Against Circumcision

This is part of a doctor's journal regarding his experience as an intern. It has some really good information re circumcision in it. Send it on to anyone who tells you it's "medically necessary" or "advantageous" to do this to an infant.

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New breed of consumers?

Linucs writes "From the Guardian: "'Young women now drive the decisions on what to buy and, unlike older women, it is she, and not her boyfriend or husband, who decides how much to spend,' said Young." That looks fine, as long as she spends her own money... "But Joanna is playing hard to get. She may be the darling of the corporations, but, despite her education and strong opinions, she has left the politicians confounded by her reluctance to vote." - And what will happen to the dumb, uneducated men? "'Young women are the great untapped power in today's society: it is not an exaggeration to say future democracy relies on engaging their voices and their votes in a way we have so far failed to do,'" - Big idea: let's place some voting booths inside Body Shop. "'The feminisation of the high street has been so pronounced in the last five years that men are being chased away: your average heterosexual man feels completely out of place on the high street now,' said Experian's Patrick Gray. 'It is only "feminised men", or metrosexual man, who dares to face it. Most men prefer the internet to real-life shops now.'" - I surely feel out of place while reading The Guardian..."

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False accusations can kill

Getting back to things in India, the mob justice is picking up in pace. While reading the article, notice that for a so called "tradtional" society, they're already making excuses for the women who go around killing, and the feminists are making excuses for them as well. At this rate feminism will be entrenched there soon enough, due to them exploiting traditional chivalry. Are you starting to see how the radfems subvert cultures by playing on traditional chivalry yet?

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Women escape car insurance hike

Anonymous User writes "I notice that the BBC have said nothing about part of the original directive which was to give women the same pension payments as men even though they lived longer. This of course is still sex discrimination against women whereas the car insurance hike is not a case of discrimination.

If ever there was a reason to fight feminism and come out of the EU especially in the UK this is it. It shows in true colur the hypocracy of feminism and it's twisted logic.

Notice also that the BBC state men cause most of the serious accidents. I suspect then that women cause most of the non serious accidents but the BBC don't tell you this...."

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Most complained-about ads of 2004

Tirryb writes "Sydney Morning Herald today reports on the most complained about ads of 2004, and how many of them involve violence and sexual references read it here.

Interestingly 4 of those ads relate to men with two in particular being what I would term derogatory in nature - for example one involves a woman using her rear-view mirror to stare at a guys crotch, the other a guy crashing naked through his shower floor to a girl-packed dancefloor below.

The complaints were dismissed - but hopefully the fact that these ads made it into the top ten means men are complaining more often about these forms of ads, which is a good start..."

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Woman "accused" of scalding baby to death

bandersnatch writes "From CNN, A pregnant woman was charged with killing her boyfriend's toddler daughter by scalding her in what prosecutors say was 147-degree water, then ignoring her suffering for several hours."

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Glass Ceiling myth still not shattered

AngryMan writes "The British media is pandering to another biased report from the Equal Opportunities Commission, recycling all the tired old myths about the glass ceiling, and the supposed unfair discrimination women face in the workplace. Links BBC, Guardian and Independent "research shows that most high-ranking jobs in business, the judiciary and the police are filled by men...women's careers are still blighted by a glass ceiling." There is another explanation - maybe women just aren't as motivated as men to seek top jobs."

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Women 'still face glass ceiling'

Anonymous User writes " Is this the BBC trying to stir up gender hatred again and taking advantage of a natural disaster to announce the report and entwine the two in the hearts and minds of the readers?"

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Court throws out $88.5 million award to Anna Nicole

bandersnatch writes "From USA Today, A federal appeals court Thursday threw out a judge's ruling that awarded $88.5 million to former Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith from the estate of her late husband, an oil tycoon who died at age 90 just over a year after they wed. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled a Texas probate court's decision that the oilman's son was his sole heir should stand. The appeals court said the federal judge in California who ruled in Smith's favor in 2002 should never have even heard the case. Now if we could only get family courts to recognize that some women are only motivated by financial greed."

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Domestic Violence Delusions...a PBS documelodrama - Part 3 of 3

Part 3 of a 3-part essay, submitted by Harry Crouch. Click "Read more..." for the text. [Part 2 is found here.]

The author is a full time men's rights activist, co-proprietor of MENSBIZ, publisher of Women Industry News, member of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council, and Board Member of the National Coalition of Free Men Los Angeles.

At his request, if you e-mail him, please use "re KPBS Documelodrama" as the subject line.

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