Maureen Dowd: Bad at Science

Anonymous User writes "Maureen Dowd is:

(a) Hypocritical.

(b) Bad at science.

Here's the piece."

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Snail a dollar!

Trudy W Schuett writes "We're launching a campaign at the DesertLight Journal called "Snail a Dollar" to benefit the Domestic Abuse Men's Helpline.
DAHM is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS. Here's their website:

They are the only nationwide agency serving male victims of domestic violence. As awareness of the full problem grows, and men needing help become more willing to ask, DAHM's resources are ever-more depleted. They depend entirely on private donations to keep the service running. They are restricted from accessing any of the billions of dollars in federal, state, or local government funding because they help men.

Most state and federal funding is reserved for member programs of state domestic violence coalitions. DAHM has been refused membership in their state’s coalition, because their services are primarily focused on male victims.

It’s up to the private sector now to help men!

Here's the link: 33.htm"

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Battered Justice, all right...

.. at least as far as the truth goes. The Washington Post has done it again. The author's article ends with the usual appeal to governmental chivalry with:

In fact, the history of profound gender inequality in the government's treatment of wife-beating makes the problem one of core constitutional concern. No less than police brutality, this kind of passive misconduct implicates fundamental civil rights.

Actually it's more the other way 'round really. Has a battered woman ever been made to ride backward on a donkey while crowds threw garbage at her (search on "donkey" to get to the relevant text on the page)?

See and for more resources on this topic. Also, you can read about the author of the Post article here; her e-mail address is

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Eligible? How much money have you got?

AngryMan writes "When the UK recently passed the Freedom of Information Act, Angela Wright decided to use it to find a husband. She has a thing about police officers, and she emailed her local police headquarters asking for details of "eligible bachelors within Hampshire constabulary between the ages of 35 and 49 and details of their email addresses, salary details and pension values".

Got to make sure you get your hands on the money, Angela.

Want to know why most high-earners are men? Because men work harder. Why? Because they know that their value in the marriage marketplace depends on how much they earn.

Don't believe me? Ask Angela."

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Different sentences for similar crimes

Steven Brown writes "Spot the difference!

Story 1:

"A man who murdered his partner in front of her two daughters has been jailed for life..."

Story 2:

"A teenage girl who killed her fiancée after he admitted having sex with her friend on the night he died has been sentenced to eight years in custody."


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Women Want Another Pass

Tumescent writes "Some of the issues pointed out in this article are really over the top.

"Most imprisoned women, and relatively few imprisoned men, leave behind children for whom they were the sole primary caretaker. The separation can be shattering for mothers, who may lose parental rights, and for children, thousands of whom are placed in foster care at state expense."

Oh cry me a river. If these women were at all concerned about their children they wouldn't be out possessing and selling drugs or hanging out with those that do. To use the screwed up child custody laws to rationalize why they should not do the same time for the same crime is really amazing. It's hard to fathom how their position on this can be deemed anything be laughable."

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What Chutzpuh!

Dittohd writes "World Net Daily reported on Robert Blake's acquittal but just couldn't hold back their misandry. Notice their last sentence of the article, "...(he) had been described by both sides in the case as a career con artist."

This is is same media outlet that cheered Clara Harris after killing her husband because he cheated on her and didn't correct "his" problem.

I'm presently trying to decide whether or stop my subscription to their Whistleblower magazine and request a refund for the rest of that subscription or just to not renew when the subscription expires.

What blatant bias! Absolutely disgusting!"

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"Miss Savannah" Acquitted of Murder

The verdict is in. It's open-season not just on unfaithful husbands but boyfriends/fiances, too. Sort of reminds me of what NOW and the like complain about happening in Middle Eastern countries, only in this case, it's the males in danger of getting killed by the females, and it's happening here in the West.

As always, she claims she was being abused.


Article text is at "Read more..." view for those not interested in registering with the Savannah Morning News.

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Harvard President Receives No Confidence Vote from Faculty

Larry Summers is pilloried by the faculty.

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Data may help to explain sex differences

ArtflDgr writes "the text of the article can be found here.

The article details that 'researchers have found that the sexes differ more than we thought, particularly when it comes to the genes on one crucial chromosome.'

'Taken together, the two papers may eventually explain some of the behavioural and biological differences between individual women, and perhaps, between women and men.'

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Of men, women, and money

bandersnatch writes "From US News:

Do men earn more money than women in comparable jobs with comparable responsibility? Most people seem to think so. During one of the presidential debates, John Kerry complained that full-time working men made a dollar for every 76 cents paid to women for the same work. President Bush didn't challenge the statement, and reporters let it go by as well. "The average woman is cheated out of about $250,000 in wages over a lifetime," said an article in Ms. Magazine. The AFL-CIO estimates that working families lose $200 billion of income annually to the male-female wage gap. Oh, really? The Census Bureau did find that women earned 76 cents for every dollar paid to a male (now up to 80 cents on the dollar), but that was a raw number, not adjusted for comparable jobs and responsibility. A new book, Why Men Earn More by Warren Farrell, goes further, examining a broad array of wage statistics. His conclusion: When reasonable adjustments are made, women earn just as much as men, and sometimes more.

Good to see the MSM (mainstream media) finally providing opposing viewpoints to such blatantly obvious feminist lies."

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Peterson Sentenced to Death

Scott Peterson was sentenced to death today (March 16, 2005) for the murder of his pregnant wife, or as MSN is wont to put it, "his wife and their unborn child". Now had she gone and had an abortion, that would not have been anything wrong as far as the law was concerned, and Scott Peterson would have had no say in the matter either, depsite his being respoinsible for supporting the child. As to if *she* had murdered *him*, well, I doubt very much she would have received a death sentence. Remember this woman?

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Tell Us Your Story!

Trudy W Schuett writes "The DesertLight Journal is gathering material for a book to be published later this year on domestic violence. This book will focus on the currently underserved people affected – the male victims, female abusers, serial victims, and those addicted to violence.

We’d like to hear your story, and also to hear how you went about seeking help; if you did seek help, what happened if you did, and if you were able to find what you needed.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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MR2005 Registration Reminder

The Second Men's Equality Congress has been taking registrations since early March. Please visit the registration page to register. The dates are July 15-16, 2005. More information is available on the web site. MANN's own Scott Garman will be there, too!

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Teen patricide set up for exoneration

Read it here. Bets are on she walks free. "Another mean old single dad laid to rest and good riddance." Exactly what I'd expect from MSN.

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