A father's place is in the classroom

This Guardian article discusses the positive influence of fathers being involved with their childrens schooling. From the article - "There has been a definite improvement in performance in the classroom.", "The children say they feel special and like it when their father visits the school"

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False Accusations

mic730 writes "My husband was accused of rape 2 years ago. After submitting to DNA and taking a polygraph he was exonerated. However, while we waited for the DNA testing I started wetting the bed from the stress of the situation and my husband became depressed. The DNA test showed the "victim" had 3 samples present but none of them matched my husband. She also refused to take a polygraph although she specifically named my husband. The police let us know that no charges would be filed against my husband or the "accuser." I am so angry that she could make these accusations and walk away. I have always considered myself a champion for women's causes and now feel like I should screen women beforehand.
My stress level of wetting the bed is no longer a problem but I will now take every claim of rape with a grain of salt until a trial occurs."

I normally don't post personal stories that get submitted without articles, but since this was an example of how feminist laws can even harm their supporters I decided to make an exception. Often it seems people have to be personally victimised before they start to see the bias in a system, and I'm sorry the author and her husband had to suffer because of it. I'm sure that if she starts looking at all the "women's causes" with a more scientific eye - looking at evidence presented by all sides and always with equal scrutiny, we'll be seeing more of her in the men's movement. - Hombre

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Women in the police force

Rand T. writes "An informative article by conservative columnist Ann Coulter, entitled, "FREEZE! I JUST HAD MY NAILS DONE!", here."

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Castration and tolerance at UNH

Philalethes writes "This event has been covered in a couple of previous stories, but I think this article is worth reading, especially for the quote from one participant, which pretty well sums up the phenomenon known as feminism: 'Hello, my name is Mary Man-Hating-Is-Fun. I am 23 years old, and I am what a feminist looks like. Ever since I learned to embrace my feminist nature, I found great joy in threatening men's lives....'

I am reminded of two other quotes: (1) 'If you allow them [women] to pull away restraints and put themselves on an equality with their husbands, do you imagine that you will be able to tolerate them? From the moment that they become your fellows, they will become your masters.' (Cato the Elder, 234-149 BCE) (2) 'The idea that women were repressed until the sexual revolution in the 1960s is absurd ... they were certainly restrained, a crucially different matter.' (Melanie Phillips, 'The Sex-Change Society: Feminised Britain and the Neutered Male') The reasons for the historical 'subjugation' of women are becoming clear: they will not (perhaps cannot) restrain themselves. When they are allowed to 'run free,' this is what results."

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Call to protect teachers from false accusations

AngryMan writes "A teachers' conference has again highlighted the high incidence of false accusations against teachers, and called for false accusers to face prison. It doesn't mention that male teachers are by far the most likely to suffer such allegations. Story here."

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Gender Empowerment at the U.N.

Linucs writes "From here: " U.N. refugee chief Ruud Lubbers resigned in February amid sexual harassment allegations, and word leaked out this week that Carina Perelli, the highly regarded head of the U.N. elections unit, was accused in a confidential U.N.-commissioned report of making unwanted sexual advances toward a male employee and creating a sexually charged work environment."

Glossary - Sexually charged: read "harassment".

Don't ever say that the U.N. doesn't 'empower' women..."

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Anti-Male Advertising

gordon clay writes "Check out the listing of many companies that do male negative advertising and the campaign we at The National Men's Resource Center, developers of http://www.menstuff.org/, have waged."

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Mum's the word on dad

Some recent political goings-on in Australia have inspired this article, which not only mentions that 20-30% of fathers discover through DNA testing that their kids aren't theirs, but also interestingly ponders "if women were more trustworthy on the question of paternity, perhaps men could be more trusting that women undertake abortion only when strictly necessary"

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The censored side of gender issues

Mike Shubov writes about men's issues, censorship, and taking action in The New Hampshire, (the student publication of the University of New Hampshire).

"Had I not read "The Universal Myth of the 'Oppressed Woman'" by Diana Lewis and "Painefully Right" by James Paine and other letters criticizing radical feminism, I would still be pretending I have freedom of speech without daring to use it." - From the article.

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ACFC: Prominent Leaders Criticize Family Law

I received the following e-mail from ACFC and thought it was too good not to post. Kudos to them!

Prominent Leaders Criticize Family Law

Yesterday, Monday, March 28 a second ACFC newspaper advertisement ran in the Washington Times National Weekly Edition. The ad will be repeated next Monday, April 4.

Click "Read more..." for more.

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Thieves should be jailed

Anonymous User writes "The Lib Dems, a UK political party, are offering amnesty for women who steal. The men's movement answer is that once a thief always a thief; there is evidence to show that the cost of such deception is costing the country £50,000,000 and is damaging to our young.

“Evan Harris MP for Oxford stated: Although I believe in eugenics and women’s rights I can’t quite get my head round the idea that women thieves should be given preferential treatment. This is not quite what I had in mind when I considered equality, there must be thousands of men in prison for theft..”"

Ed. note: Quote from Evan Harris is not attributed (ie, we have no URL and a Google search did not bring up the quoted text). If anyone can supply a reliable attribution, please post it.

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Fathers4Justice protest as monks atop St Paul's cathedral

"It is to do with Easter and the fact a lot of dads will not see their kids this Easter." - Matt O'Connor. BBC article here.

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Men who beat up their wives or girlfriends will be prosecuted even if their partners drop the charge

It looks like its time to educate Britian's top policeman on the realities of domestic violence. Ian Blair has a very distorted view of them, and because of that the UK is about to launch a very sexist terror campaign including prosecuting men even after the women drop charges and a series of fear and hate generating billboard ads making men look like monsters. But Sandra Horley from Refuge reassures us “Domestic violence affects us all – perpetrators need to know that they cannot get away with violent crime and women and children need to know that they will be protected.” Thanks Sandra, I feel so much better knowing that. Article here.

If anyone has contact information for Mr Blair, please post it here so we may share our concerns with him.

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Title IX protects whistleblowers

CJ writes "The Supreme Court expanded the scope of a landmark gender equity law, ruling Tuesday that it shields whistleblowers who accuse academic institutions of discrimination based on sex. Now the floodgates are open... Lets hope that the ruinious effect Title IX has had on lower profile men's sports can find a way to use this law when the next men's sports team gets dropped because there isn't enough interest among the women in the same sport.
Article here."

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False Accusations

Mangesh writes "Chief Police Prosecutor and other senior police officers of India's West Bengal state say laws that unduly favor women must be changed. According to them, in `violence against women' cases, the man is usually presumed guilty unless proven innocent. This encourages women to make false accusations. Article here."

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