Foreskin Appreciation Day, April 4

Say the 'F' Word and Break the Taboo, Learn the Power of the Foreskin

Intact America will give foreskin the respect it deserves on Thursday, April 4 — 4/4, the FOREth Day of April — with the second annual Foreskin Day, a virtual celebration as part of Intact America's national "Skin in the Game" anti-circumcision advocacy campaign. The program will focus on encouraging everyone to get comfortable saying the "F" word — "Foreskin."

Press Release

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On Jontay Porter, the rise of sports betting, and toxic masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Is the legalization and integration of sports betting into mainstream sports media leading to increased toxic masculinity in the sports community?

Okay, I understand this isn’t an undergrad liberal arts course, but hear me out for a second. It’s International Women’s Month, after all. As a woman in the sports space, I face toxic masculinity on the daily, and the sad part is that most of the time, the people perpetuating it don’t even realize what they are doing.

It’s the looks I get when I say I’m at the game as a member of the media, or the way male fans glare at me when they see the credential around my neck. It’s the way I get airdropped anonymous explicit pictures while I’m trying to cover an NBA game from my spot on the media row.'

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UK: James May claims older, white men are ‘written off as unworthy’ during toxic masculinity debate

Article here. Excerpt:

'James May has weighed in on the state of the modern man, claiming men are in danger of being “written off”.

The 61-year-old star made the comments on Monday (25 March) on the Who We Are Now podcast, which is hosted by his co-star on The Grand Tour, Richard Hammond, and Hammond’s daughter Izzy.

When asked if the “modern man is in trouble”, May said: “Well probably not, because the world rarely does go to the dogs.

“But I do think men are getting a bit of a bad rap recently, because there is a lot of talk about toxic masculinity.”

He continued: “I know there is a lot of it around, and it’s right that we confront it and address it. But it’s not all of us.

“We seem to be staying close to a point where simply being a bloke, especially if you’re a slightly older, lower middle class, white bloke to be honest, you’re almost immediately written off as being unworthy.”'

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‘Motherhood is a trap. Marriage is a bad deal’: Feminist Corinne Maier on learning to be selfish

Article here. Yep, selfishness makes the world better for everyone! Ugh. Excerpt:

'“It’s never too late to learn how to be selfish,” says Corinne Maier, grave-faced behind her heavy-rimmed spectacles.

“Sadly, women aren’t born that way, so it does have to be learnt. But if we can forget about the ‘superwoman’ we’ve been bullied into thinking we have to be – at home, with the husband, the kids – and release our inner ‘slackerwoman’…”

We would be happier? “Exactly. Happiness cannot be achieved without selfishness. But that is achievable for every woman. You too can be selfish,” says Maier.'

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UK: Complaint lodged after ITV editor sparks fury for saying ‘we don’t want white men’

Article here. Excerpt:

'ITV has come under fire after a commissioner allegedly told industry execs that the broadcaster does not want “white men” as talent.

A complaint has been lodged by a producer who attended the telly gathering where ITV commissioner Nicola Lloyd reportedly made the outburst.

When discussing hosts for new shows, Lloyd allegedly said: “We really don’t want any more white men” as talent.

Lloyd made the reported comment on a panel to a packed room at the Broadcast Indie Summit.

ITV said in a statement that the panel discussion included ways to pitch new ideas and ways to further diversify content and talent offerings.

The complaint, written by a television producer in the audience, said that Lloyd was discussing ITV’s “important ‘9pm’ broadcast slot”.

“On numerous occasions when attending meetings with British television executives and an ITV owned production company based at White City, I have heard informally that they do not want more ‘white males’ as talent.'

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'Girls Gone Wild' Tennessee Cop Maegan Hall Reaches $500k Settlement With City

Article here. Playbook: Get police job. Fuck as many fellow cops as you can and act nuts until you're fired. Sue city or force for firing you. Get a hefty settlement. What's next for her I wonder, a career in porn or maybe an OnlyFans account? Excerpt:

'Former police officer Maegan Hall just received a huge payday from the city of La Vergne, Tennessee. She filed a federal lawsuit after she was fired from the La Vergne Police Department following an investigation which uncovered six sexual relationships with five different officers on the force.

Much of the alleged action took place on the job. In addition to the sex with her colleagues, the investigation found that she sent the men nude pictures and went topless during a "Girls Gone Wild"-themed hot tub party.

The city decided to settle the lawsuit filed last year by Hall for $500,000. She and her lawyer claimed that there was a hostile work environment within the police department and that her former supervisors groomed her.

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She made an artwork that excluded men. A man sued for discrimination.

Article here. Excerpt:

'At the Ladies Lounge of Australia’s Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) on the island of Tasmania, only one man is allowed inside: a butler, who serves the women.

The lounge, a conceptual artwork, is decorated with Picassos and other expensive adornments and is separated from the rest of the museum with opulent green curtains. A staff member is posted outside to prevent the entry of any visitor who does not identify as a woman, and guests can indulge in a $325 high tea service featuring fancy finger food.

On Tuesday, one of those excluded men, Jason Lau, argued before the state’s civil and administrative tribunal that the lounge violated anti-discrimination laws by keeping him and the rest of his gender out. He submitted it should cease operating as it currently does.
Catherine Scott, a lawyer representing MONA’s parent company, told the tribunal in her written submissions that Lau’s exclusion was “part of the art itself.”

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Scotland: Police face ridicule over 'ludicrous' Hate Monster campaign

Article here. Excerpt:

'Police Scotland has been ­ridiculed over a ‘ludicrous’ ­campaign aimed at cracking down on hate crime which ­features a ‘pound shop version of a Sesame Street character’.

The animated ‘Hate Monster’ on the force’s website and YouTube channel comes ahead of the introduction of new hate crime laws, due to be enforced from April 1.

A video shows the monster with a voice­over urging people to not allow their anger or prejudice to lead them into committing an offence, such as making a racist comment.
The website states: ‘We know that young men aged 18-30 are most likely to commit hate crime, particularly those from socially excluded communities who are heavily influenced by their peers.

‘They may have deep-rooted feelings of being socially and ­economically disadvantaged, combined with ideas about white-male entitlement.’

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Some dating coaches online are pushing women to seek more traditional gender roles

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dating coach Karla Elia tells women not to go out with a man who is “nice” or who “treats you right,” but one who can “afford” them.

Her advice, while highly criticized by some who have seen her videos, has dominated a pocket of the internet that depicts heterosexual romance as a deal between men and women, in which women are receivers and men are providers.

The 24-year-old is part of a community of women who have gained popularity — and notoriety — online for their espousal of what can feel like antiquated dating guidance.

“I see the dating scene and relationships as a business, because it is,” said Elia, who has more than 1 million followers on TikTok. “A lot of people don’t like to admit that relationships are transactional, but they are.”'

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Comedian Greg Gutfeld Urges Liberals to Rethink Their Approach to Men, or Face ‘Terrifying’ Election Results

Article here. Excerpt:

'Across the globe, young men are fleeing liberalism. Public opinion polls reveal that millions of men under 30 years of age are becoming more conservative than their female counterparts, by remarkable margins of 25 to 35 percentage points. In country after country, a historic political realignment is now taking place: China, Germany, Poland, South Korea, Tunisia, United Kingdom, and the United States (1), as well as Argentina (2) and Canada (3).

In his March 13 monologue, American comedian Greg Gutfeld brought this trend to the attention of his TV audience, offering a scathing assessment of the reasons behind the decline of male support for liberalism (4):

“Men are fleeing the Democratic Party like the showing of Barbie….they’re becoming the party of AWFLs: affluent white female liberals… And men are like, ‘Hey, we know when we’re not wanted. We’ll see ourselves out,’” he revealed.

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UK: Documentary reveals abuse of husband by wife

Article here. Excerpt:

'But behind closed doors, Richard, 47, had been secretly suffering from what a judge would later describe as “the worst case of controlling and coercive behaviour” she had ever seen.

During her 20-year reign of terror, sadistic Sheree, 46, repeatedly threatened to go to police claiming her helpless husband was abusing her — and would even scream for help to trick neighbours into believing that was the case.

She was only jailed after a shocked friend of Richard’s saw some nanny cam footage and sent it to the police.
One of Sheree’s ways of exerting control was to threaten to go to the police and accuse Richard of abuse.

He says she would also threaten to smash her face into the bathroom mirror and send pictures to a friend.

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Debunking the Myth of the Man-Hating Feminist

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men who are dedicated to viewing feminists as misandrists may never be convinced otherwise. However, since those men view their misguided perception of misandry as a justifiable excuse for threatening and abusing women, we must try to dispel these misconceptions anyway. To keep women safe, perhaps feminists who have realized that fighting systems is better than fighting individual men should engage compassionately with women who aren’t there yet.

They should gently urge those women to channel their anger and outrage toward dismantling systems of oppression that can actually lead to our liberation, rather than espousing hate toward individual men, or men as a whole. It is not a matter of protecting men’s egos, but rather of keeping women safe. After all, anger is a worthy, valid, and useful tool in the feminist movement. But perhaps, for our safety, it is just better reserved for the systems of power.'

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U. Buffalo rewrites ‘minority and women’ business program after federal complaint

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University at Buffalo opened up an entrepreneurship program to all races and both sexes following a federal civil rights complaint.

“To apply, you must own a business in the Buffalo-Niagara region,” the M&T Bank Emerging Entrepreneurs Program now states.

The public university previously required applicants to be a female or racial minority business owner in the region.'

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In this Ukrainian village, almost no men are left

Article here. No discussion of the mass violation of their human rights. Excerpt:

'Few men of fighting age are left in this village in southwest Ukraine, and those who remain fear they will be drafted at any moment.

Their neighbors are already hundreds of miles east in trenches on the front lines. Some have been killed or wounded. Several are missing. Others from this rural area — about 45 miles from the borders of Romania and Moldova — have fled abroad or found ways to avoid the war, either with legitimate exemptions or by hiding.'

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Making sense of the gulf between young men and women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men and women have different experiences, so you would expect them to have different worldviews. Nonetheless, the growing gulf between young men and women in developed countries is striking. Polling data from 20 such countries shows that, whereas two decades ago there was little difference between the share of men and women aged 18-29 who described themselves as liberal rather than conservative, the gap has grown to 25 percentage points.

Young men also seem more anti-feminist than older men, bucking the trend for each generation to be more liberal than its predecessor. Polls from 27 European countries found that men under 30 were more likely than those over 65 to agree that “advancing women’s and girls’ rights has gone too far because it threatens men’s and boys’ opportunities”. Similar results can be found in Britain, South Korea and China. Young women were likely to believe the opposite.

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