Circumcision's Ugly Truth

Essay here. Excerpt:

Men are being targeted by healthcare providers for forcible genital cutting and Americans—including many men who are cut—are looking the other way. Male child genital cutting (aka newborn circumcision) deprives these men of a full sexual life and open sexual future. These men are not being forcibly circumcised as adults but when they are newborns, a time when they are the most defenseless.

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"The Coming Incel Revolution"

Interesting YouTube video discussion here. TLDR: "Incels" are simply young men who are relationally and sexually frustrated because women and the rest of society have devalued them. Cut off from romantic and financial resources, this class of man constitutes a new brand of marginalized minority. Like any marginalized group, they're angry and potentially volatile as a socio-political class. Unless something changes, the future vis-a-vis this class of person is both fraught and may pose a serious threat to the political establishment.

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Inside the twisted minds of female teacher pedos

Article here. Nice to finally see a general acknowledgement of female predatory sexual behavior vs. the media constantly casting it as a one-off thing or a case of "forbidden love". Excerpt:

'The typical physical profile of a female sex predator is a caucasian woman in her 30s, according to new research.
One of the women that I worked with confessed to me that she prided herself on being 'sensitive and caring' because she knew that would make young males 'feel safe.'

When I challenged her by informing her that she was harming these individuals, she replied, 'it never felt that way to me.'

Another predatory practice is the luring of victims with sexually suggestive or outright pornographic posts on social media or in private digital communications.'

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New social media trend tells men to enter their ‘soft guy era’: ‘Being a provider in 2024 is a scam’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new trend has emerged on TikTok known as the ‘soft guy era’, which advises men to stop being sole providers in their romantic relationships.

"The soft guy era movement is [about] promoting partnership. You’re telling me you’re a grown woman, and you’re my woman, and you can’t put up 50% of the bills, you’re broke and lazy," a TikToker who goes by the name Lil Goodie said.

"We all know being a provider in 2024 is a scam. So we don’t care, we’re not doing that anymore. We know that’s old-fashioned, these women got money, these women are working, so they need to contribute," another influencer named Scarfacemark said.

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John Cleese says he’s ‘surprisingly poor’ after five-decade career

Article here. Excerpt:

'John Cleese has joked about how his $20m divorce has resulted in him having to work in his eighties.

The Monty Python star and co-creator, 84, will soon celebrate the opening of a Fawlty Towers stage show in London’s West End, adapted from three episodes of his and Connie Booth’s seminal British sitcom.
In a forthcoming interview with SagaMagazine, the comic discusses his reasons for working on new projects as opposed to resting – and mentions the costly end of his third marriage as one of the main motivations.'

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How to save boys from masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'But what she found is that, despite considerable progress on gender in society, the way we raise boys hasn’t changed much — and the collision of expectations has created a crisis for boys that has fed the crisis for young men that has, in turn, fed the crisis of democracy that’s facing the world today.

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Bill ending Medicaid coverage for elective circumcisions fails

Article here. Excerpt:

'New Hampshire Medicaid plans will continue to cover all infant circumcisions for parents who choose the procedure.

In a 178-197 vote, lawmakers rejected House Bill 1683, which would have limited Medicaid coverage to medically necessary circumcision. The bill’s supporters said they opposed spending state money on elective procedures. The bill was one of two addressing circumcision this year; House Bill 1706 sought to require providers to show parents the tools used for circumcision and explain the risks, such as the potential for decreased sexual pleasure, before performing the procedure. The House voted to send that bill to interim study earlier this month.

In urging House members to defeat the bill, Rep. Joe Schapiro, a Keene Democrat, cited health benefits and made the kind of parental-rights argument often voiced by Republicans who supported the bill.

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Abortion, circumcision, workforce among focus areas in new round of health care legislation

Article here. Excerpt:

'Unless a child required circumcision for medical reasons, Medicaid could no longer cover it under House Bill 1683. A separate bill would require providers to show parents the tools used in a circumcision and get their written permission before performing the procedure.

In fiscal year 2023, the state’s Medicaid plan, half of which is funded by the federal government, paid $213,160 for circumcision procedures, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Of that, about $90,500 was for “elective” circumcisions that would no longer be covered under the bill.

Nearly 20 states have passed similar legislation, according to the Journal of Urology. Medical experts disagree over whether the potential risks, such as surgical complications, outweigh the potential benefits, such as a reduced risk of urinary tract infections.

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I’m a man, and here’s what Danny Dyer’s How to Be a Man doesn’t tell you about the ‘war on men’

Article here. Excerpt:

'In these specific ways and others, it’s true that men do sometimes have it worse than women; that men are subject to prejudices and pressures that women usually are not. But misandry hasn’t produced these conditions. They are caused and exacerbated by the self-same patriarchy that chauvinist men espouse. Conventional masculinity hasn’t been torn down by the feminist agenda: it’s buckled under its own noxious expectations. What matters is that we construct something healthier and more honest from its rubble.

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New Title IX Rules Are Out. Here’s What You Need to Know

Article here. Excerpt:

'After several delays, the Biden administration finally released its final rule overhauling Title IX this morning, kicking off what will likely be a frantic few months as colleges race to update their policies in time for the coming academic year. Colleges and universities have until Aug. 1 to comply.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects students in all levels of education from sex-based discrimination. The new regulations, which appear similar to what was proposed in June 2022, significantly alter how colleges and universities respond to reports of sexual harassment and assault and expand protections for LGBTQ+ and pregnant students.

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'Oracle of Wall Street' who predicted 2008 financial crash says rise in young, sexless men living with their parents will cause house prices to plunge 30%

Article here. Of all the misandrist claptrap... Excerpt:

'A financial analyst nicknamed the 'Oracle of Wall Street' has said a 'growing crisis of the young American male' will cause house prices to fall as much as 30 percent.

Meredith Whitney, who earned the title after predicting the financial crisis of 2007 - 2008, suggested young men increasingly living with their parents and disinterested in starting families will drastically reduce housing demand.

The trend of men refusing to settle in turn means more women are remaining single into later life, leaving them without the income or need for big family homes.

But it comes as baby boomers start to downsize, meaning there will be a surplus of available properties. Much of the last decade's gains in home values have been driven by high demand and low supply - a phenomenon, Whitney says, is reversing.

To explain the rise in men living at home, she pointed to the increasing prevalence of video games, starting in the mid-2000s.'

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From the author of "No More Mr. Nice Guy"

A lot of men have Nice Guy Syndrome. The author of a significant book on the subject speaks about it on YouTube here.

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CDEV and #GenderEqualityForMen

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Basic Index of Gender Inequality, which measures childhood educational opportunities, healthy life expectancy, and overall life satisfaction, likewise reveals men have fallen behind women in 91 out of 134 countries. Other disparities have been documented in sex discrimination against men in hiring decisions, including for STEM positions.

But funding agencies continue favor females over males by more than a three-to-one margin, according to one analysis.'

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Mom who admitted to smothering toddler while high on meth walks free thanks to controversial judge

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Indianapolis mother who admitted to fatally smothering her baby while high on meth became overwhelmed and hid her face in her hands when a controversial judge allowed her to walk free.

Dacia Lacey, 32, was found not guilty of neglect of a dependent resulting in the 2022 death of her daughter, Alona, by Judge Mark Stoner, who is already facing calls to resign after giving a mentally ill man who fatally shot a police officer a sentence of time served, WTHR reported.

The mom was cleared even though the judge told her it was “a case that happens when you’re a bad parent. “

“There are some things you can never do. You can never have sole possession of your children and go out and use drugs,” Stoner said.

“You’re not innocent, but you’re not guilty of what the state has charged you with.”

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Trevor Bauer Guilty Of Being An Idiot, Victim Of His Own Stupid Decisions

Article here. Excerpt:

'Trevor Bauer is more of a cautionary tale of what foolish sexual decisions lead to than he is an innocent lily-white victim.

The embattled former Dodgers pitcher has been fighting to get back to the MLB ever since being placed on leave and ultimately suspended after sexual abuse allegations surfaced.

The initial allegations were brought by a woman named Lindsey Hill, who alleged at the time that Bauer abused her in rough fashion during a sexual encounter. Hill's claims of abuse are now widely-viewed as false and debunked, and the two settled a lawsuit that resulted in Bauer paying nothing. A phone call was later released where Hill claimed to be in significant pain, and Bauer acknowledged he was asked to hit her, according to the New York Post.

What really happened the night of the alleged sexual encounter will likely never be known, but there's certainly no proof that the public is aware of to suggest Bauer did anything to break the law. That's the reality of the situation.

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