Saying No to Zero Tolerance

Looks like some people in the Ontario education system are finally waking up to the problems with zero tolerance policies, as this Globe and Mail article explains. From the article...

"Not one of the 20 educators contacted for this story endorsed zero tolerance. Most felt the time had come for a more proactive strategy."

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Men's Hour Adding Video!

Raymond Cuttill writes "The August Men's Hour is delayed, at least until September! Due to editing of the F4J Brecon and Exeter protests which is taking longer than anticipated due to doing both video and audio editing for the first time. I hope it will be worth the wait when it is finished."

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Activists' Activism

Today , as I do often in a year, I put an ad in a local paper that reads: "Learn how biased and misleading "research" can discriminate against you or someone you love. For info email:". I advertise in the Penny Saver which circulates about 40 000 papers once a week and costs about $7.00 a week. This time I am running the ad for about 3 weeks. It works. I usually send respondants my speech, which covers a variety of poorely made public policies that discriminate against men based on bad research. I try to be gentle in my delivery while nailing the facts of the matter. I urge anyone to do it. And I have to commend Ray, a member here who has a sign on the back of his pick up truck. Ray drives around L.A. ? with this giant sign. If you've seen the pictures you know what Im talking about. Handing out pamplets is another good way. Everything helps. Reaching new people is key.

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A web site to my far away daughter

Benoit Leroux writes "A father build a web site to his 2 and half year old daughter. She is far away. She is in America, he is in Canada."

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Men's Hour forum is here!

Raymond Cuttill writes "After being dropped by MND the Men’s Hour forum is back. It is divided into 4 areas, Serious, Fun, News, Feminist Free Area (No, you don't get a free feminist. It means you must have a valid email address to post there). Posts include female childlove site (from MensActivism), Men's DV site in top 25 of bad sites? (from DLJ blog), another hunger strike and Fathers-4-Justice are impugned about bomb hoaxes. Hope to see you there!"

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His Side: Less Dads, More Crime

Anon user writes "According to a new Justice Department study, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. More than 5.6 million Americans are in prison or have served time there--one out of every 37 American adults. Studies show that crime is correlated with fatherlessness more than with any other social factor, including income and race. Jennifer Roback Morse, author of "Parents or Prisons," discussed this problem on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles on Sunday, August 31. To listen to the archived version of the show, go to His Side for more."

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No Winner for Yesterday's Daily Activist Challenge

As some of you may know, yesterday's grassroots challenge was to write up a short editorial about your opinion on Farrell's candidacy and/or its effect on men's rights and send it to us with the best one being put on the front page today. Unfortunately, since we recieved no entries, there's no stellar article to display in all it's glory. This has caused me to question the grassroots campaign. See Read More.

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Father guilty after taking son to hospital.

Does a restraining order mean that a father can not legally go pick up his child to bring him to the hospital at the mother's request? According to Justice Trevor Riley, apparently so.,4057,7138499%255E13569,00.html

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The routine drugging of little boys

Ray writes "I was watching MSNBC and heard that Scarborough Country (Labor Day evening) was going to be talking about the drugging of little boys in school, "just because they're little boys who do not fit the feminist model for males."


I would like to see a discussion of sports as a place for the displacement of aggression for males. The feminists don't subscribe to displacing aggression, because they feel that all forms of aggression are wrong. Title IX certainly is helping to derail the displacement of aggression for males, and drugs seem to me to be a far worse alternative.

What's a guy to do?


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Prosecutors Fight DNA use for Exoneration

This New York Times article exposes the moral bankruptcy of prosecutors who are challenging the release of convicted rapists from jail freed on DNA evidence. From the article...

"Mr. Dow said this exchange illustrates a trend. "What we're seeing is a double standard," he said. "Evidence will be considered more than sufficient by prosecutors if it establishes guilt and questionable or insufficient if it established innocence.""

Note that registration at the NYT website is required in order to read the article, however there is no charge for doing so.

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Australian judge calls for urgent review of Rape Shield legislation

A new law due to be passed in two weeks stating that defenders in rape cases are not allowed to cross examine prosecutors, instead using a "person" appointed by the court to question them on the defendants behalf has rightfully drawn the ire of Justice Brian Sully, whom we hope can inspire common sense in the Australian Parliament. Some excerpts from the article...

But Justice Sully said that if the legislation, due to take effect on September 11, went through in its present form, there was a "very real risk" that the case before him would miscarry.

"It is imperative that someone get through that if we have this sorry interference with the law, it had better be done in a way that is workable - and this is probably unworkable."

Justice Sully said he presumed that the "person" would be legally qualified and be prepared to act without fee. But he asked where such a person would be found.

"What am I to do, ring the Bar Association and say, 'The best I can tell you is that the person is to be questioned in a week's time and I will send your chambers two folders'?" he asked.

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Woman kidnapper!

Dave writes "Father, the legal custodian, is denied 2 of his daughters for 16 years! The mother runs away with 2 daughters and goes underground to deprive the father of his children. This is a very disgusting and bizarre story of a fathers rights denied. And the authorities in Riverside County CA were going to release this woman from jail, until the Texas sheriff called to stop it. By her own words she has "never committed a crime". If released she could run away from justice again!!!!

See part of the story at: THECANEWS/0290edition/myarticles800016.asp?P=80001 6&S=395&PubID=11112"

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Terry Bradshaw Speaks Out about his Depression

"I thought maybe if I won a Super Bowl ... then maybe two Super Bowls will make me happy, or three or four ... but nothing pleased me." - Terry Bradshaw, see article.

This is the way the Superman complex works. No matter where you're at in life, the feeling is that to be okay you need to be more successful than you are right now, you need to make more money, have a prettier girlfriend, be in the same shape you were in back in college, etc. to be okay. As Terry Bradshaw's statement demonstrates, this feeling doesn't go away when you accomplish those goals, but typically makes you think you need to accomplish them even more or transfers itself to other goals.

For more information about how men's success object pressure can lead to depression or just male depression in general, see

Like0 Dislike0 Girls, Boys, and Autism

Matt writes "This is interesting
coming from MSN:
It actually doesn't bash boys. But notice the title of the aricle puts the girls first despite the fact that 80% of autistics are male.

Also note the various subtle anti-male jabs in the article. I'll let you spot them for yourself-- oh that's right, most of you are men and can only view things in terms of systems and stuff. Not able to perceive social vagaries and so forth. Oh yeah, that's it. Well, never mind, don't even try, you're male and thus can't interepret social cues or subtle distinctions in your environment... stuff like being beat up on TV by females and having the canned audience laugh at you. Or something like that..."

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Woman Killed Infant Son Then Had Sex

CPM writes "Woman Killed Infant Son Then Had Sex

Not much to say here other than I would like to know the specifics of the case. I think that for the woman to blame the boyfriend and the jury not fall for it, there must have been overwhelming evidence pointing to her. We all know that juries tend to search for a scapegoat or an excuse to let the woman off. For some reason this jury did not!"

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