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by Boy Genteel on 05:37 PM May 25th, 2006 EST (#1)
 | 4662096.htm Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Thundercloud on 10:43 AM May 26th, 2006 EST (#2)
I guess I commended the media too soon when I recently posted my kudos for them not making a joke out of this issue. I should have known better. The media is full of bigots. Class bigots, racial bigots and gender bigots.
I guess I should remember the old adage; "A Leopard never changes it's spots." I should have known that eventually the gender bigotry in the press would prove to be too powerful and the inevitable jokes about this poor man would begin surfacing.
I will say this, however. The local media in my state (WISH TV Channel 8 Indiana) handled the story properly, I need to send them an email telling them that I, and probably most men, appreciate their restraint.
"Hoka hey!"
by RandomMan on 12:20 AM May 30th, 2006 EST (#3)
I commented on the story of this man who'd had his scrotum ripped off on an earlier thread, talking about the encouraging sign that the media were taking violence against men more seriously.
Silly me.
Then I come across this item on Fark, where everyone's on about how empowering it is to mutilate, brutalize and kill men. Some of the choice comments from their forum re this item:
It's simple, fellas: You spent thousands of years making up the myth that women are the "weaker sex" and that we're in need of rescuing, belong in the home, and shouldn't be trusted with "man's jobs."
So now, all these years later, this myth is biting you on the ass. You can't hit us, or even touch us the wrong way without being "wife-beaters" but we can sure as hell kick you in the scrotum without being accused of "husband beating."
Call it a small consolation for our being paid less for the same jobs. Our paychecks are smaller, but we can kick you in the balls and smile about it when we win $5,000 from America's Funniest Home Videos, because- in an ironic act of male perversion- you guys think watching other guys get hit in the balls is FUNNY!
(Note the exceptionalism that says "it's wrong if you do it, but right if we do it". This person seems to believe that mutilating another human being is an appropriate response to her delusional world view in which women who work less, choose family and convenience over risk and hard labor, have fewer years of training and experience earn most of what their better-qualified, harder-working male colleagues do, if they choose to work at all. Keep in mind that this sort of assault frequently results in permanent disability, amputations, infertility and chronic pain, qualifying it as "mutilation")
Or this little gem:
I hit boys. And yes, it feels good.
(Now it's not just your rights that end where their feelings begin, it's your life that ends.)
That's the level of hatred and sickness in the "women's movement" today, and the sort of psychosis being drilled into girls by our culture.
I used to think they were angry or occasionally neurotic, but now I realize that the people in the "women's movement" are truly insane, and the inmates are running the asylum gentlemen.
by Boy Genteel on 11:11 AM May 30th, 2006 EST (#4)
Time to head over there en masse. Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
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